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2404 fatwas

  • Conditions Of a Jumu'ah Speaker

    Assalamu Alaykum What are the conditions for a Khateeb? Does he necessarily needs to be an Aalim i.e. someone who has studied formally at an Islamic institution or is it enough for him to be sahihul aqeedah who has good knowledge of Arabic language to refer to the book of salaf to read the khutbah for people on Jumuah or Eidayn. .. More

  • The Fajr Sunnah Suffices from Having to Pray After Ablution

    What is the ruling on praying voluntary prayers after the athaan of Fajr but before praying the mandatory prayer? I mean beyond the 2 sunnah .. More

  • Prostration of Forgetfulness after Sunrise

    A person finishes Fajr before the end of its time, but after the prayer when doing the forgetfulness prostration sunrise enters. Is the salah valid? What if a person finishes Fajr outside its time and performed the forgetfulness prostration after the prayer during sunrise? .. More

  • Prayer and Fasting When travelling More than Four Days

    Al Salamu Alaykum I traveled to another country for 8 days during Ramadan and Eid. I stayed in the same city for the whole of my trip. I shortened all my prayers and combined some of prayers throughout the whole trip and I broke my fast 4 days out of Ramadan. I have read that the period one is considered a traveler is only 4 days but allegedly some.. More

  • Putting a Tablet Under the Tongue While Praying

    I am a diabetic and heart patient. Time to time my diabetic level fluctuate. Can a I perform my obligatory prayer keeping something in my mouth, such as a tablet under the tongue to release my heart problem or a sweet to increase my sugar level in my body .. More

  • Positions of Raising Index Finger

    As-salaamu aleykum, I would like to know the Islamic meaning of pointing the index finger of the hand upwards. May Allaah bless you. .. More

  • Prayed Incorrectly Until Age of 16

    As Salamu aleykum respected scholar. I'm praying salah since I'm 12 years old. But i prayed incorrectly until i turned 16(at least i think so) because nobody taught me the correct way. I'm trying to make them up but i also realized that even after 16 i mostly prayed in our house on a wooden floor that was painted with paintbrush made of pig hair. Does.. More

  • Walking Downstairs and Upstairs 5 Times a Day to Go to Mosque

    I live in the fifth floor of our building and there is no elevator. This means that I need to walk downstairs and upstairs 5 times per day in order to go the mosque. Can this (absence of elevator) be an excuse for not going to the mosque? .. More

  • When to Prostrate for Forgetfulness When Combining Prayers If Mistake Is in First Prayer

    If i combine prayers and do something in the first prayer that makes me have to do sujud sahw, do i do sujud sahw in the first prayer or in the second prayer ? .. More

  • Where to Place One’s Hands During Prostration

    Is it obligatory to line up hands with ears or shoulders in prostation? .. More

  • Following the Imaam During Congregational Prayers

    Salamualikum ! I came to learn that surah fathia is obligatory in salah in 3rd and 4th rakah . I used to lag behind Imam so people advised me not to lag . Anyways , this created fear of people in me . while praying in congregation while sitting between 2 prostrations i join the imam late in the next sajdah because I used to feel like I am leaving the.. More

  • Prayed With A Paint Spot on His Nail

    Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhAbout a month ago i painted walls, i washed my hands to get rid of the paint, made wudu and prayed. The next day i came to know that there was still a little bit of paint on my nail left from the day before and the water couldnt reach this spot. What should i do? .. More

  • Delaying Making Up a Missed Prayer

    If someone misses Fajr unintentionally and wakes up after sunrise but sleeps again deliberately and prays it later, will his prayer be valid, will he come under the same ruling as whom scholars have said about that deliberately missing the prayer or this matter is a little broader in scope (as he deliberately didn't sleep till sunrise) ? .. More

  • Method of Purifying a Carpet or Seat from Urine

    Assalamu alaykum sheikh i just wanted to ask, what are we meant to do if something hard to wash has urine on it. For example, say someone urinated on a car seat or on a carpet that covers the whole house, and the urine dried, are the carpet and car seats tahir? if we sit on the car seat or step on the carpet, are we tahir? can we pray on that carpet?sheikh.. More

  • The Difference Between a Musalla and a Mosque

    Hello,Salaam alaykom, I live in Sweden, in a small suburb and we do not have an official mosque here in my small town, we only have a relatively small section within an apartment building that is being rented by us from the muncipality on a monthly basis and is officially called an "islamic culture center". Within this center some people pray 5 times.. More