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1341 fatwas

  • Muslims with photographic picture

    Can Muslims have photographic pictures of his friends in his room?.. More

  • Surgery to reduce size of nose

    A while back, my parents started to mock "make fun of" the size of my nose. At first I took it as a form of teasing, but it eventually progressed and as a result I became very stressful and paranoid about my nose. I started to routinely touch my nose over and over again and this still takes place even today from time to time. Some days I feel very depressed.. More

  • Donating Blood to Non-Muslims

    I work in the health field, and part of my job entails preparing blood for transfusion. We are currently experiencing a severe blood shortage. I would like to know if it permissible for a Muslim to donate blood. It is not certain whether the blood will be given to a Muslim or non-Muslim, but living in America, the majority are Kuffar. It is noted that.. More

  • Ruling on music

    Is music Haram in our religion? If it is so, why do people not care about this in almost every Muslim country?.. More

  • Removing fetuses in multiple pregnancies to benefit mother and other babies

    In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful. My wife and I have been going through infertility treatment. Currently, my wife has been treated with a drug that stimulates the production of multiple eggs. My semen will be injected inside her uterus to allow for pregnancy to take place, Insha Allah. This procedure results in multiple pregnancies.. More

  • Ruling on Singing

    What is the Islamic ruling on singing? .. More

  • Hiding trophies from angels

    I win many trophies; I keep the trophies hidden in a plastic bag in a closet. Will these trophies prevent the Angels from entering the room where they are hidden?.. More

  • TV call in quiz shows

    Muslims taking part in one of the Questions & Answer contest on TV. This question specifically relate to programs where the condition of entry is only that you must be a national citizen, make a call to enter your name, which will be picked by lots as there are many entrants, and you must spend your time and money to reach the TV station, when selected.. More

  • Having picture taken without Hijab

    Is it true that it's Haram to take a picture without Hijab?.. More

  • Females wearing tampons

    Is it wrong for a female to wear tampons? Some people say yes if your are a virgin. Is that true?.. More

  • Falsehood can not come to Shariah

    Is the Shariah an interpretation of Laws of God made by men? If so, could it contain any mistake or wrong interpretation?.. More

  • Husband and wife fear for fetus after wife received X-ray

    My wife recently had an X-ray. After that, she discovered that she is pregnant. Some of the doctors said that she must abort the fetus because there is a risk that he will have serious problems like to be mentally or physically handicapped. And the others said that she must not do so, because if there was any problem, he would have already died. We.. More

  • Playing card games on PC's

    I want to know what is the ruling against playing card games, solitaire and the like, which are usually available on all PC's. I have a feeling that it is not correct, but would like to know the opinion of more knowledgeable people, through the Glorious Qur'an and the Prophet's (Peace and blessing be upon him) Sunnah... More

  • Chat clubs on Internet

    We have a club in Yahoo called Yemen club, we discuss different topics in them, but in the last few days there was a big discussion. I wish that you advice us about it from the Islamic way. The founder of the group has made a Christian co. founder in the group who can delete the posts of the member or ban them or even delete the whole club, he has.. More

  • Going to the beach and swimming in the sea

    What does Islam says about going to the beach and swimming into the sea?.. More