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621 fatwas

  • Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim

    1. Should every Muslim believe in the Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim?2. Are there any weak or fabricated Hadith in two Sahihs?3. There is Ijmaa about two Sahihan i.e. Bukhari and Muslim.... When and which scholars approved about these two books.4. Is it right to believe that after Holy Qur'an, Sahih Bukhari is the authentic book?5. Many people doubt about.. More

  • Questionable Hadith

    I don't know if its Hadith but I heard it long back and I want to know about its authenticity. A Sahabi went to Rasool Allah (SAW) with the request to arrange money for his daughters marriage. Prophet (SAW) asked him to see another Sahabi in that regard. When he reached his home he heard conversation between the Sahabi (to whom Prophet (SAW) asked.. More

  • Importance of knowing the narrators of Hadith

    When we read a Hadith is it important to see who is narrating it? Is it important for it to be by Bukhari or Muslim? Sometime it is not said; should that mean that we should not take these Hadith seriously?.. More

  • Islamic Ruling Regarding Sailing by Sea

    Is there a Hadith that forbids sailing by sea unless we are going to Hajj or Umra or Mujahideen Fi Sabeel Allah. Is it a verified one? Can we sail for travelling or not? .. More

  • The black flags' appearance from Khorasan

    1- There is a Hadith that says that if we see a black flag from Khorasan then we should go to it even if we had to crawl on ice/snow because Imam Mahdi is with them. Is this Hadith Sahih or Hasan?2- Can we sit with a group of people making Bidah? What does our Prophet (S.A.W)and our pious predecessors say on this matter?3- While giving Adhan should.. More

  • Questions about the Authenticity of Some Ahaeeth

    1-Asalaam alaikomI am looking for the source of 3 ahadith and are they authentic or not. I would appreciate your assistance. The ahadith are:1. The hadith that says that if a man has a wife who doesn't control her tongue and he DOES NOT divorce her, then his Du'a is not answered.2. The hadith that says that if a woman prays her 5 prayers, guards her.. More