Libyan Soup (sharrba)
02/04/2009| IslamWeb

This soup is well known in the North African countries (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco). It is served in different occasions, but mostly during the month of Ramadan.
Recipe (Ingredients):
•1 cup oil • 1 medium onion, chopped •lb cubed lamb meat •1 cup soaked chick peas •3 tbsp tomato paste • tsp chili powder and paprika •l tsp mixed spices • tsp turmeric • Add salt to taste • cup Orzo or bulgur #3 (crushed wheat) • cup chopped parsley • cup chopped cilantro (optional) • Pinch of dried mint
To Serve:
- Heat the oil in saucepan, add the onions, saute until golden brown.
- Add tomato paste, saute fro 3-4 min. then add all the spices and stir 1-2 min.
- Add the meat, chickpeas and stir for few min.
- Add about 6 cups of water; bring to a boil on high heat. Reduce heat to medium low, cover, cook until meat is almost done.
- Add water bring to boil, and then add the pasta or bulgur and parsley, reduce the heat and cook for about 45min
- Add cilantro, simmer for 3-4min turns off the heat sprinkle the mint, mix and serve with lemon wedges at the side. (6 serving(
- the heat to low, cover, cook for 20 minutes.
- For best result, when most of the water got absorbed, fluff with a fork, cover tightly, and then cook the rice in low heated oven until it's dine. (4-5 serving)