Intermixing between the sexes: A disease in the Muslim community
02/04/2009| IslamWeb

In this age, human communities have been afflicted by many maladies that are accumulating and suffocating us. If they were more fortunate, they would rather have been living in a contaminated environment full of germs that attack their bodies and souls and almost destroy them, but, sadly, reality is far worse.
Intermixing between the sexes is one of these deadly diseases, which is now prevalent and has become a feature and a characteristic of societies. This disease has also become a poison that infiltrates the very fabric of society and penetrates deeper and deeper. Consequently it saps its energy and determination to a great extent.
The Muslim community was protected from this disease when it lived under the shade of Islam, embracing the values of chastity and purity. It was also guided by the morals of the sound innate nature of humans that puts things in their proper perspective and despises the transgression of the norms set by Allah The Almighty whether it is found in the human self, community or human settlement.
However, at some point in time the Muslim community went against its nature due to its interaction with the West during colonialism. The West had an infernal hidden agenda that aimed at westernizing Muslim communities, causing them to shed their identity and wipe out the marks of their individuality.
Given that evil approaches and destructive tools vary, glamorizing the idea of intermixing between men and women at all levels was most dangerous and lethal in terms of the morals and creed of Muslim communities.
Europeans presented it to us as an aspect of civilization, development and modernization. In the absence of reason and abandoning the light of Divine Revelation and its upright method, Muslims believed this big lie. They went through the experience of intermixing between the sexes and impermissible exposure of women's beauty. They indulged in extremes, reaching extreme points of licentiousness and degradation that sometimes even surpasses those who dragged them into this hateful morass.
Western communities and others who followed in their footsteps suffered grave consequences. Also, fair-minded Westerners spurned the shame and catastrophic consequences that overwhelmed their societies due to intermixing between the sexes. Nevertheless, some Muslims persist in following this wrong way, and thereby cause our societies to drift further into the quagmire of intermixing. This would consequently breed corruption and phase out good morals and the branches of faith, the greatest of which is bashfulness.
It is an indisputable fact that the outcome of intermixing between the sexes is a corrupt reality. It led to the absence of the pure shining image of the Muslim community where the qualities that were practiced by our predecessors of sound human nature including chastity and protective jealousy, had flourished. This was unfortunately replaced by a dull and disdainful image, represented by insolence and Diyaathah - which means the death of the concept of honor and the extinction of the concept of human dignity.
Educational institutions that witness intermixing between the sexes cannot achieve their educational, social and civilizational goals, unless there are certain conditions and definite specifications that form a creative space that is fit for constructive exchange and where talents are given space to be discovered and developed. Atop such conditions is to have a scholastic medium that is pure and far from enticing and distracting elements that eradicate thinking and hinder the proper course of creativity.
In the United Kingdom, a governmental agency called the National Foundation for Educational Research published a study on 8 July 2002. The study was conducted on 2,954 secondary schools in England to measure the impact of school's size and type, whether mixed or single-sex, on the school's educational performance.
The results of the study were surprising. The optimal result stated that male and female students' educational performance in single-sex schools was better than their performance in mixed schools. Separation was more beneficial for girls to improve their educational performance.
Analysis of the results of British public examinations showed that single-sex schools have routinely achieved the best and highest results. In the year 2001, the top twenty valedictorian students in British examinations were from single-sex schools. Most of the fifty valedictorian students were also from these schools.
Moreover, scientific experiments that were conducted in some schools stressed that single-sex education is far better than co-education. Mixed schools were changed into single-sex schools, where girls and boys were separated, though students, teachers, curriculum and facilities remained the same.
Muslim societies would not have suffered from all the disastrous consequences if they had adhered to the Quran and the Sunnah. However, they persisted in imitating the disbelievers and indulging consciously or unconsciously in miserable experiences and errant systems and methods. The outcome, therefore, was the current way of straying. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): "And is one who was dead and We gave him life and made for him light by which to walk among the people like one who is in darkness, never to emerge therefrom? Thus it has been made pleasing to the disbelievers that which they were doing." [Quran 6:122]
Without getting into a useless argument, let us ask those who are dazzled by the West and overwhelmed by its vainglory, why do you take its corruption and overlook its wisdom, although wisdom is more beautifully latent in the core of your religion?
Simple logic spurns this contradiction, so will you stop?