Faatimah bint Asad ibn Hishaam
17/04/2012| IslamWeb
She was from the tribe of Bnu Haashim of Quraysh. Her father was Asad ibn Haashim ibn 'Abd Manaaf, and her husband was Abu Taalib, the uncle of the Prophet
, and was the mother of 'Ali ibn Abu Taalib, may Allah be pleased with him.
When her husband Abu Taalib brought him
to their house after the death of his father (the Prophet's
grandfather), Faatimah, may Allah be pleased with her, was the one who took care of raising and caring for him
After the death of her husband, Abu Taalib, Allah opened her heart to Islam and she, may Allah be pleased with him, embraced Islam and gave the Prophet
the pledge of obedience and then migrated to Madeenah.
The Messenger,
would frequently visit her and would have his midday rest in her house.
Faatimah, may Allah be pleased with her, was very happy for the marriage of her son Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, to Faatimah, may Allah be pleased with her, the daughter of the Messenger,
and she lived with them in their house. Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, suggested to his mother, may Allah be pleased with her, that she would pitch water for the house and get what they would need from outside, while his wife would be the one taking care of the house affairs and cooking, and they mutually agreed on that.
Faatimah bint Asad, may Allah be pleased with her, died during the lifetime of the Messenger,
. Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "When Faatimah bint Asad (i.e. his mother) died, the Prophet
shrouded her in his garment and led her funeral prayer himself, and he uttered Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) seventy times. He,
then went down to her grave and started leveling it for her. Then he,
came out of the grave crying" another narration states that he,
, lied next to her in the grave.
As he,
was leaving, 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, came close to him and said: "O messenger of Allah! I saw you do something to this woman which you had never done to anyone before"The Messenger,
replied: "O 'Umar! This woman was like a mother to me. No one, besides Abu Taalib, would treat me better than she would, and I gave her my garment (as a shroud) so that she would wear it as a garment in Paradise, and I lied down in her grave so as to reduce (any possible) grave punishment"
Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that after she died, the Messenger,
went and sat next to her head and said: "O Mother! May Allah have mercy upon you. You were indeed like a mother to me. You would remain hungry in order to suffice my hunger, and would prevent yourself from good food and clothes for my sake. You did all of this seeking the reward of Allah"[At-Tabaraani]