Fatah leader rejects ceasefire call

25/04/2001| IslamWeb

GAZA, Palestine, BBC-A key factional leader has rejected the latest call by the Palestinian authority for a united commitment to a ceasefire with Israel.The influential Marwan Bargouthi, who leads Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement in the West Bank, said it was the right of Palestinians to defend themselves. (Photo)
The news came as Palestinian radio reported two dead in an exchange of fire with Israeli troops in the town of Hebron.
BBC correspondent Kylie Morris says that despite being leaders of the same organisation, Mr Bargouthi and Mr Arafat vary greatly on what is in the national interest.
Limit attacks
Mr Arafat, after a meeting in Gaza City, declared that those who stray from the ceasefire, harm the national interest and provide cover for Israel to accuse Palestinians of acts of terror.

The leadership said it would take measures to limit attacks at odds with the national interest.But Marwan Bargouthi says with as many as 30 Palestinians killed since the authority recommitted to the ceasefire 10 days ago, it is the right of Palestinians to respond in kind.
He says the people have spoken and insisted that the intifada continue until they win liberty and independence.
A chasm also remains between the Palestinian Authority position and that of Islamic militant groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
The Palestinian authority says it has warned militant groups to heed the ceasefire, but this has not been confirmed by the groups themselves.
