Kerry Wins Washington and Michigan

08/02/2004| IslamWeb

Democratic front-runner John Kerry remains just that after rolling home to decisive wins in both Michigan and Washington last night. Kerry, a Massachusetts senator and decorated Vietnam veteran cruised to easy victories in the two biggest states to vote for who will challenge George Bush for the presidency. "We would like to say a very special thank you to Washington and Michigan for giving us victory today." said Kerry. Apart from Howard Dean, the only other candidate to break into double figures in Michigan was Senator John Edwards. While Michigan and Washington were to be key battle-grounds, both Edwards and retired General Wesley Clarke are instead focusing their efforts on Tuesday's contests in Virginia and Tennessee. But they will have to work hard to catch up with Kerry. His campaign themes of driving out special interests from the White House and providing a more experienced hand at Foreign Policy seem to have struck a note with rank and file democrats. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA) speaks to supporters in Richmond, Virginia, February 7, 2004. (REUTERS/William Philpott U.S. ELECTION REUTERS)