Britons Vote Today

05/05/2005| IslamWeb

With Iraq a burning issue in the last days of this British election campaign Prime Minister Tony Blair has urged electors, who vote today, to judge him on his domestic policies and not the war. He faces a challenge in his own constituency from the father of a soldier killed in Iraq.

The Conservatives' Michael Howard is telling voters they do not have to settle for five more years of the same policies and what he calls broken promises, and has relentlessly targeted marginal seats where his party has the best chance of overturning Labour majorities.

The Liberal Democrats' Charles Kennedy is hoping his gain of several points in opinion polls will translate into their best results in a generation. He has fought the most positive campaign of the major parties, concentrating on policy initiatives, and refusing to use negative tactics such as accusing his opponents of lying, even if they counter by saying he will not be able to afford much of what he proposes to do.


Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair walks through Elstree Aerodrome near London before departing by helicopter for the last day of election campaigning, Wednesday May 4, 2005. (AP)