How to get rid of interest money earned from three bank accounts

8-6-2012 | IslamWeb


assalam alaikum, sir my question is related to Interest Money. i have 3 saving bank A/C in India,all in non-muslim bank. i calculated the amount of interest money from all these 3 a/c. for example:---- interest money earned from a/c (1)=05,000, a/c (2)= 17,000, a/c (3)=13,000 so total interest money is = 35,000 currently available total balance in a/c (1) is 50,000 i withdraw 15,000 from a/c (1) and left 35,000 as the total interest money in a/c (1)and decided to use this a/c only to debit/credit interest money. should i withdraw seprately the interest money from each 3 a/c & then deposit total amount to any one a/c or withdraw amount from a/c 2 & 3 and then deposit to a/c 1. plz guide me, zazakallah khair.thanks


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds.  I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.

You are obliged to withdraw all the interest and get rid of it by giving it to the poor and destitute and you should not leave it in your account so that you will be acquitted from sin.

What should be taken into consideration is giving out the amount of interest from any account or from any other money you have so that your money will become pure because the liability of the money which is earned from unlawful sources falls on the one who obtained such money and the money itself is not the problem.

You must also close those accounts that involve Riba (interest and/or usury) if you can find an Islamic bank where you can deposit your money. However, in case you can neither find an Islamic bank nor a permissible means to save your money, then you may only deal with the bank that deals with Riba according to the necessity but you should restrict yourself to a current account as this is less evil than any other account. For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 90054 and 88694.

Allaah Knows best.