Employee may not delegate his work to another without consent of employer

10-5-2013 | IslamWeb


one govt teacher wants to put a private person to do his duty.he is giving him some part of his salary.it is right or wrong


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.


The ruling of that is based on the system and regulations of the school whether it allows that; so it becomes permissible, or does not allow it; so it becomes prohibited. It is well established that the teaching profession is not like other professions so as to be easy to entrust someone else to do it. Rather, the teacher himself is meant in it for his knowledge, experience and other characteristics for which he was appointed to teach students and instill in them the noble and educational values. Indeed, not everyone befits that mission. It was stated in Al-Mudawwanah (a famous Maaliki book): "I (Ibn Al-Qaasim) asked him (Imaam Maalik): what if I hired someone to pasture my sheep and he brought someone else to do that on his behalf? He (Imaam Maalik) said: This is not permissible because the owner of the sheep accepted his trustworthiness, competence and efficiency, and hired him specifically." [End quote]

Every school often lays down its standards and conditions regarding whom it entrusts with that mission. Accordingly, you are not allowed to do what you have stated without referring to the responsible authority. If they accept that, then that is fine; otherwise, it will not be allowed.

Allaah Knows best.
