New Muslimah needs proper cover

2-3-2003 | IslamWeb


I am a new Muslimah having just taken my Shahada a month ago. I wear hijab but I have a problem with clothing as I only own one long skirt and one long shirt which I have heard are not proper cover and I need to wear an abaya but I have no money to buy either? Is my skirt ok to wear until I can afford the proper covering? I obviously cannot stay inside all the time.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

It is allowed for a Muslim woman to wear any garment that observes the conditions of a Muslim woman's dress as mentioned in our Fatwa No. 83702 and 81554. We ask Allah to make all of us steady on the right path of Islam.
Allah knows best.