Having two wedding celebrations at the same time and place

10-4-2004 | IslamWeb


Is it permitted in Islam to celebrate two marriage receptions (Walimahs) of two persons in the same place at the same time? This has led to many superstitions in our religion. One of my aunts died when she attended a marriage of a relative in these circumstances, leading some family members to think the same thing will happen if we combined two marriage ceremonies again. My parents, my brother and my in-laws do not disagree with this view. I need your clarification because my wedding date is to be decided. Please pray for the success of my marriage and the life in the hereafter. Please pray for us both that we will be a perfect couple in the sight of Allah.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.


There is no harm in celebrating two Walimahs (marriage celebrations) or more in a place and at the same time.  It is advisable to minimize the expenditure, to avoid lavishness, and also to invite a great number of people.

Therefore, your parents are not allowed to refuse celebrating two Walimahs at a previously agreed time for superstitious reasons.

Their stand or belief that your aunt died for sharing in her Walimah is nothing more than a myth and a bad omen which is forbidden in Shariah.  Know that someone's death is not related to the reason of sharing in Walimah since there is no legal or logical evidence for that.  The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) prohibited belief in bad omens; he said, "There is neither infection nor ill omen". [al-Bukhari]  He also said: "An ill omen is a form of Shirk".


Allah knows best.
