Failure of husband to satisfy his wife sexually

27-12-2004 | IslamWeb


There is a Saheeh Hadeeth that says if the husband calls the wife to bed and she doesn't oblige, then there would be an angel who curses her and so on, but what if it is the husband who doesn't oblige then? Is there any Hadeeth on that? And what would she be advised to do to ease her problem according to the Shariah?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


We are not aware of any evidence that threatens and warns the husband if he does not respond to the request of his wife for sexual intercourse. The evidence of the threat is in respect of the wife if she does not respond to the request of her husband for sexual intercourse. However, we have to treat women kindly as Allaah says (which means): {… And live with them honourably.}[4:19]. The Muslim jurists may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  them have stated that the husband should have sexual intercourse with his wife according to reasonable grounds as this is one of her most confirmed rights. However, they differed regarding how often he has to fulfil this right. The most preponderant opinion is that it should be according to her need and his ability. The difference of these two different characteristic between the wife and the husband is due to the different nature of the man from that of the woman; because the husband might not be able to have sexual intercourse at all times. Moreover, the obligation of a woman to respond to the demand of her husband for sexual intercourse is not absolute but it is limited to whether that does not harm her or prevent her from fulfilling her religious obligations. To conclude, a husband has to be keen on fulfilling the needs of his wife according to his ability and his wife should beautify herself to seduce her husband to have sexual intercourse with her.

Allaah knows best.