Illegal alien in USA trying to find a Muslim husband

3-3-2005 | IslamWeb


I am from Costa Rica, but I live in USA. I reverse to Islam 6 years ago. After one year being here I did meet a guy from Syria a couple months later I became his wife. This marriage was only in the Islamic way because he did not want to sign any papers just because he did tell me that I want him to fix my illegal situation. So he wants me to proof is love not that I want to be with him to get my papers. So I did it for 4 year. During this time we were together I gave him the best of me. He had not money, so I help him to buy a house in USA, and an apartment in ri, every month I was giving him $600, plus I buy the food, pay bills have, and so on, etc. until he left me with nothing, because from one day to the other he went with another girl, he sold the house, he did take her to ri, (the apart.) he did not gave me any money, when he did that my mom came to visit me for 2 weeks, she did see everything he did to me, I could not look her eyes, she said these is how Muslims are? I was distrait, I carry for 8 month I just did not understand anything. I have to say he was not a good husband (he is 39 and I am 26), but his mom was the best with me, she was beautiful with me and his family were against in everything he did. Oh well after 8 months I start talking with my best friend brother, I did not know she had a young brother here in USA, he is 27 and single. (I did know my friend almost 2 years before her brother). When we start talk by phone, he did teach me so much about Islam, I did not have any idea about it little by little and with the time, we end it up together in a very nice relation. We have dating about one year and a few months, we are living in the same building and since then I cook for him, three meals a day, he is going to school and I am helping him in anything he needs, you have to know that he is a grate person and a good Muslim. Now I am asking you please help me. I want to get marry and I don't think he wants, but I am very sad because I still have the same problem. I have problems with my illegal status, but for Allaah I love him so much, I have not family here, they are all in Costa Rica, my mom is asking when are we getting married, he does not wants to talk about it, is never a good time for him, I don't want the same story again, I am so afraid, I don't want to push him, I need to see my family. I want to build a beautiful family and make Allaah happy, for how long I need to wait for him, what words I should use to tell him a really need help, and some one to take care of me. And the other side his mom does not like me, and his sister does not want to see me even in a photo. Well for them I am not good at all. So he does not want to go against his mom. I do my prayers I trying to be as good I can. (He is from Morocco) I want these to stay between you and me. I work so hard, I go to learn Arabic, so I am really trying so hard, I know is difficult to explain my live in here. May Allaah bless you for your advise.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


Congratulations for embracing Islam.  We ask Allaah to help you and us remain steadfast and make you and us among the dwellers of Paradise

We feel very sad for all the trials you are facing and the way your husband has been behaving with you.

Islam strongly condemns cheating and taking any one's property without his/her full consent. So, your husband is not allowed to take your house, apartment, etc. He has to return all your rights back to you.

As for your marriage, if it is established fulfilling all the conditions of Islamic law then it is valid. See Fatwa: 88488.

As you know a valid marriage cannot be cancelled in Islam except by a legal divorce or Khul' for details read Fatwa: 89039.

You are living as an illegal alien in a non-Muslim country where you are without a Mahram (unmarriageable relative) to protect you, and you are being taken advantage of because of your vulnerable position. Islam does not recommend you to live in such conditions.

Dear sister, it is unlawful for a Muslim man or woman to have any relationship with opposite sex except within wedlock. So you have to end contact with the man you are asking about. For details refer to our previous Fatwa: 81356.

However, if you are interested in him you may convey your intent once, if he accepts then you may marry him after completing your divorce or cancellation of your first marriage, otherwise you have to take the help of Muslim community to find another pious husband.

Finally, we advise you to consult an Islamic Center in your area; they will provide good help and guidance, Allaah willing.

May Allaah make you steadfast and pour His blessings upon you.

Allaah knows best.