Amulets containing Quran and supplications

15-5-2006 | IslamWeb


All praise due to Allah and peace and blessing upon his noble messenger for ever Amin. Few of cousins went from US to Pakistan and they met a lady and that lady gave them bunch of Taweezes (Quran and some other prayer) wrapped in plastics and cloths. One of them just got separated with her husband after coming back from Pakistan. I told them that these things are not Islamic do not believe in these things. And they opened them they were all identical (surah al balad and some verses from surah Al Baqara with some other prayers). She is charging them a lot of money and now some how she found out and calling my cousins that why did you open them. Is this Islamic or not? Please let me know as soon as possible what to do because my cousins are terrified. Jaza Ka Allah Khair


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


The scholars may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  them differed in opinion about the ruling of amulets which contain [verses or chapters of] the Quran, supplications and the mention of Allaah. We have already discussed the difference of opinion on this in Fatwa 85125 and 84878, and said that the preponderant opinion according to us here in Islamweb is that it they are forbidden; so please refer to the above Fataawa.

If we presume that these amulets are permissible according to view which permits them, then they do not bring a benefit or remove harm, and there is no harm in opening them and reading what is written in them.

If what you meant is that these amulets were the reason of divorce between that man and his wife, or that opening them might have caused harm and the like, then these are only whispers which should not be taken into account.

Therefore, one should get rid of these amulets by burning them or burying them in a pure place.

Allaah Knows best.