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Paper Cup


Tickled and hugged in arms by those new neighbors. People drinking tea, sipping down thick yogurt donated by Saudi's largest milk factory, people resting on their sides, making thiker (prayers), reading Qur'an, praying or just watching us pass by in enormous limousine-style tourist busses. Eyes meet and pass, I'm still not sure who has it better, for Paradise is filled with the poor grateful believers.

Walking between the tent city, we checked to see if our Hamlah's (Hajj group who takes care of your every need for Hajj) hot water kettle was hot yet.

Someone mumbled that the fuse switch wasn't working, check back later. Iglag and I took a left after our hamla's kitchen and found a cute little coffee shop for another Hamlah. Seemed like everything was in order, but as we reached the 5-gallon hot water kettle, the service worker informed us that the water wasn't hot enough.

Iglalg double checked by touching the stainless steel walls, and seemed satisfied when her hand rested about 5 seconds without a burn. It was looking gloomy, we needed to finish our coffee, head to the bathrooms before the 3 million other Hajji's had the same idea and get ready for the Morning Prayer. We decided to split up to see if we could cover more area at one time.

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