There are 193 articles

  • Muslims laid the foundation of physical science

    It is an undeniable historical fact that before the advent of Islam, the pursuit of Science was condemned as heresy. One does not have to go far to seek the reason for this. At that time, most people could not think in the abstract and they looked upon the elements of Nature (the subject that Science concerns itself with) as sacred objects, possessing.. More

  • Every nation was sent a messenger

    It is an Islamic beliefthat every nation was sent a Messenger for their guidance. The important matter was the concept of Tawheed, or belief in the Oneness of Allah). The secondary matter was Sharee'ah, or religious Law, which kept changing from tribe to tribe and nation to another. Allah the Most High alone knows what is good for His creation. As.. More

  • Examples of equality in Islam

    First Example Abu Tharr, may Allah be pleased with him, somehow got angry with the freed slave of Abu Bakr, Bilaal of Abyssinia, may Allah be pleased with them both. Both of them were Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. The altercation became prolonged and Abu Tharr, may Allah be pleased with him, in his fury called Bilaal, may.. More

  • Origin of birds and mammals

    Evolutionists embark on flights of fancy of their own, while trying to justify how birds and mammals developed from amphibians According to the theory of evolution, life originated and evolved in the sea and was then transported onto land by amphibians. This evolutionary scenario also suggests that amphibians evolved into reptiles, creatures living.. More

  • Islam and non-Muslim communities

    It has always been said that the attitude of non-Muslim communities towards Islamic rule is a critical and delicate question, which many people hesitate to discuss for fear of causing dissension between Muslims and non-Muslims. Let us be frank with the Christians of the Islamic East and put to them these questions: What do they fear from the rule of.. More

  • The Universality of Islam

    In this century, where means of communication and transportation have gone beyond all expectations, cross-cultural awareness has become widespread. And with the collapse of communism and consequently the Soviet Union and many other communist countries, many proposals are presented urging the adoption of universal laws, values and morals to govern relationship.. More

  • Islam’s pivotal role in Europe's intellectual and cultural rebirth

    None of the great intellectual and cultural movements of the West, like the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment of the 18th century CE and the Romantic Movement of the 19th century CE, could have been possible without Europe's connection with Islamic thought and culture, and Islam's impact on Europe through Spain, southern France.. More

  • How was Islam spread? - I

    Islam, in the tenth century, was the main religion, or at least, the religion of the majority of nations in an area covering more than half of the civilized world stretching over three continents from the Pyrenees and Siberia in West and North Europe to the farthest end of Asia, up to China and New Guinea in the East; from Morocco in North Africa to.. More

  • Islam and human happiness

    If we examine all the orders and laws of Islam, we find that every single law or order aims at bringing happiness to the individual. This applies to Islamic regulations with regard to worship, economics, penal laws and all other aspects of life. The Belief in Allah and Psychological Security When a person believes in Allah, this belief gives.. More

  • Islam at a glance

    Islam and Muslims: The Arabic word "Islam" means peace, submission and obedience. The religion of Islam is the complete acceptance of the teachings and guidance of God as revealed to His Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention). A Muslim is one who believes in God and strives for the complete.. More

  • The amazing Quran -I

    Calling the Quran amazing is not something done only by Muslims, who have an appreciation for the Book and who are pleased with it; it has been labeled amazing by non-Muslims as well. In fact, even people who hate Islam very much have still called it amazing. One thing which surprises non-Muslims who are examining the Book very closely is that the.. More

  • The amazing Quran -III

    The real certainty about the truthfulness of the Quran is evident in the confidence that is prevalent throughout it; and this confidence comes from a different approach - "Exhausting the Alternatives." In essence, the Quran challenges the reader to come up with some other explanation. Here is a book made of paper and ink. Where did it come.. More

  • The amazing Quran - II

    Only has been divinely revealed They chose, as it happened, a non-Muslim who is a professor of embryology at the University of Toronto. His name is Keith Moore, and he is the author of textbooks on embryology - a world expert on the subject. They invited him to Riyadh and said: “This is what the Quran says about your subject. Is it true? What.. More

  • The Inherent Differences Between Man and Woman - II

    Here is a set of features with which men and women have been characterized: From among the rulings assigned to men, a mention may be made of the following: • Men are in charge of the household in general and of preserving, caring and safeguarding virtue, holding back vice and protecting those under their guardianship from evil. They are also.. More

  • The Inherent Differences Between Man and Woman - III

    Should there be equality in all rulings, given the differences in physique and competence, it would be a reversal of Fitrah (natural disposition), and injustice against both the authoritative sex (men) and the other one (women) if not the entire life of human society, for in this case, it would result in deprivation of the fruits obtained from the capacity.. More