There are 193 articles

  • The Inherent Differences Between Man and Woman - I

    The physical, moral and Sharee‘ah-related differences between man and woman are proven by Divine Decree, the Sharee‘ah, and sound ration. That is, Allah The Almighty has created man and woman as twin-halves of the human species: male and female, as confirmed by His Statement (which means): {And that He creates the two mates - the male and.. More

  • Why the world needs Islam today

    These are some of the distinct features of Islam, which make it necessary for modern man to seek his salvation through this ideology: First, it must be well understood that Islam is not a mere ideological vision.It is a practical system of life that fully appreciates all the genuine needs of humankind and tries to realize them. Second, in trying.. More

  • Why Islam series

    Islam and Security One of the basic needs of man is to feel secure. The feeling of security is a psychological need which has to be satisfied so as to achieve the individual’s harmony and adjustment. As we know, human needs are of two types: physical and psychological. Physical needs include the need for water, food, and shelter. Psychological.. More

  • Harvesting the Chaff

    Despite the improvement of the economic conditions of workers in Europe, the socio-economic status of the woman is still critical. The woman still earns half of the salary of the man in most fields of work, if not all. If a woman wants to marry, she has to relinquish her name and the name of her father to become a subordinate to her husband even if.. More

  • Statements of Popes and Writers

    · “I would prefer meeting Satan than meeting a woman.” · “The woman is the door to Hell, the way to corruption, the scorpion's sting and the ally of Satan.” In the 1484 CE Acquittal, Pope Innocent VIII announced that a woman and a human being were seemingly conflicting opposites. Below are some statements.. More

  • The water cycle and the seas in the Quran

    When the verses of the Quran concerning the role of water in man’s existence are read in succession today, they appear to express ideas that are obvious. The reason for this is simple: in our day and age, we all know about the water cycle in nature to a greater or lesser extent. However, if we consider the various ancient concepts on this subject,.. More

  • Misrepresenting Islam

    The Problem of Jizyah: One of the problems raised by missionaries and orientalists is the imposition of the Jizyah on all non-Muslims. This institution has been so misinterpreted and misexplained that even the non-Muslims feel that it is some kind of religion-based discrimination against them. This is not the case. All the Jizyah amounts are to be.. More

  • Islam and freedom of thought

    During the course of a discussion I was told: "You are not liberal" "Why?" I asked him. "Do you believe in the existence of a God?" He enquired. "Yes, I do." "Do you pray and fast for Him?" "I do". "Well, then you are notliberal". Thereupon I asked him: " How do.. More

  • You should know this man

    You may be an atheist or an agnostic; or you may belong to any of the religious denominations that exist in the world today. You may be a Communist or a believer in democracy and freedom. No matter who you are, and no matter what your ideological and political beliefs, personal and social habits happen to be. You must still know this man. Encyclopedia.. More

  • The purpose of creation – II

    The meaning of worship To understand why human beings need to worship God, one must first understand what is meant by the term 'worship.' The English term 'worship' comes from the old English 'weorthescipe' meaning 'honor'. Consequently, worship in the English language is defined as ‘the performance of devotional acts in honor of a deity’... More

  • The purpose of creation - I

    The purpose of creation is a topic that puzzles every human being at some point in his or her lifetime. Everybody, at some time or another, asks themselves the question: "Why do I exist?" or "For what purpose am I here on earth?" The variety and complexity of the intricate systems, which constitute the fabric of both human beings.. More

  • What they said about Islam

    The Islam that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, (may Allah exalt his mention) is the continuation and culmination of all the preceding revealed religions and hence, it is for all times and all people. This status of Islam is sustained by some obvious facts. Firstly, there is no other revealed book extant in the.. More

  • How was Islam spread? - II

    The exemplary life-style of Muslim individuals Besides many other reasons which are responsible for the spread of Islam, it is the exemplary life-style and unceasing efforts of individual Muslims to transmit the message of Islam throughout the world which lie at the root of the conquest of the hearts by Islam. Islamic universalism is closely associated.. More

  • Did Islam spread by the sword? Myth and reality

    Among the most widely believed myths about Islam in the West today is the myth of forcible conversion to Islam. Many Westerners believe that Islam is so widespread in the world today simply because of a "holy campaign of terror" carried out by the early Muslims to convert non-Muslims to Islam. They believe that non-Muslims were offered.. More

  • Why they found Islam irresistible?

    There is compelling anecdotal evidence of a surge in reversions to Islam since September 11, not just in Britain, but across Europe and America. One Dutch Islamic center claims a tenfold increase, while the New Muslims Project, based in Leicester and run by a former Irish Roman Catholic housewife, reports a "steady stream" of new reverts... More