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1098 fatwas

  • The seven types of people who will be shaded by Allaah

    On the Day of Judgment when the Sun is right above us and people are running as if they are drunk, there will be shade provided for an exclusive group of people. I heard there was seven kinds of those who will be shaded from the severe Sun. Who are they? Jazaakum Allahu Khairan. .. More

  • The narration ‘Two groups from my Ummah will be saved from Hellfire….’

    Assalamualaykum wr wb, Dear Shaykh may Allah be pleased and have mercy on you and all the Muslim Ummah, may allah swt increase your knowledge and Muslim Ummah knowledge. Dear Shaykh i have heard and hadith and I wanted to enaquire that, is this hadith Authentic. Book "Alaamaat-e-Qayamat Or Nuzool-e-Masih" Page-58 Per Hadees No.9 Its reported by Thoban.. More

  • People who appoint a woman as their leader will never succeed

    What does the Messenger of God (saas) mean when he says, "Any community ruled by a woman will never succeed?" Jazaakum Allahu Khairan... More

  • When a man calls his wife to his bed and she refuses……

    In Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 460: It is stated: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e. to have sexual relation) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning." I have heard one Muslim speaker who contended that according to the Arabic grammar.. More

  • Hadeeth about pimps

    Salaam Alikum. I have heard this hadith from two people before, but I want to make sure its authenticity is correct as I have not heard it before. "A sahabis wife was sitting with her husband in the presence of prophet of Allah PBUH. There was a fly annoying the sahabis wife and it sat on her face, she moved her hand so that the fly goes away. Her.. More

  • This Hadeeth is not reported by Imaam Muslim

    A dua book quoted that there is a hadeeth in Sahih Muslim wherein Rasulullah (salallahu aleyhi was salaam) said: Whoever takes the Quran with the intention of reciting it, and recites this dua before it...''.............'' Allah wil give him 50 000 hasana for each letter. The dua is; Allahumma bil hakki anzaltahu wa bil hakki nazal. Allahumma azzim.. More

  • The Hadeeth: ‘I am free from any Muslim who resides among the polytheists’

    Alsalam Alaikaum warahamatu Allah wabarakatu my Question is really short, Im born in american and raised there, later on my dad planned on movin us to Egypt ( for business reasons).im now 18 and im doin online courses online to get my college degree. A friend sent me a hadeeth a while back sayin how Prophet muhammed (pbuh) will not be pleased ( im not.. More

  • Hadeeth about the revelation of the verse 5:3 on Friday at Arafah

    Assalamu alaikum.Thank you for fatwa no.92755. Could you kindly give the complete reference of the Hadis of revelation of Verse 5:3 was on friday at Arafa in both Bukhari and Muslim(Allah's mercy on them).Salaam... More

  • The Hadeeth: 'In the Name of Allaah I perform Ruqyah for you...'

    Salaam Alaikum .. Dear Shaikh, Kindly advise if the below hadeeth is AUTHENTIC, which is available at the site ? Jibreel used to do ruqyah for the Prophet (SAW) and say, “Bismillaahi arqeeka min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasid.. More

  • Praying behind innovators and eating the meat slaughtered by non praying Muslims

    Assalaamalaikum, As we know that offering salaah in the mosque and with congregation is compulsory for every muslim and that too according to our beloved prophet muhammed(saw)has taught us to offer. As i reside in india and here muslims are divided in to bareilwi ,tableeghi,shafi etc.and they dont offer salaah in accordance to our prophet muhammed (saw).and.. More

  • The urine of camels as medicine

    AS-salamu A'laykom! Brother Could you please explain this to me the hadith of drinking milk and urine of the Camel, are we Muslims allowed to drink the urine as a medicine? Please reply as soon as possible because we are not like Hindu that they are drinking the urine of the cow. Jazakallahukhair...Abu Imran Volume 7, Book 71, Number 590: Narrated.. More

  • Why the angels do not enter a house where there is a dog or a picture

    my question is on the hadith that house in which pictures are hung and dogs are kept, angels dont enter that house. I want to know why??.if this is the case how come ppl die in many houses which has pictures and angel of death shouldnt come inside this hadith authentic??.the other doubt i have is that why salah is not accpeter if one wears clothes.. More

  • A Hadeeth about the Prophet’s raising his hand only in the beginning of the prayer

    As salamu aleykum What does this hadeeth indicate? Baraa Bin Aazib (radhiyallahu anhu) said: “I: saw Rasulullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) raise his hands when he commenced the Salaat. Then he would not raise his hands (again) until he completed (the Salaat).” (Abu Dawood, Musannaf ibn Abi Shayba, Sunan Daraqutni) Does this hadith.. More

  • The story of the priest who prostrated to the devil

    Assalamu Alaikum, Can you please give me the reference number of the hadith which mentions how Satan misleads people on the way of transgression. I particular I am looking for the Hadith which narrates the story of 3 brothers who leave their only sister in the protection of a pious person whom they trust before going for a War. And Satan mislead the.. More

  • The Hadeeth: Verily Allaah drew the ends of the world near to me

    Assalamu alaikum.Kindly give the complete reference of the Hadis below:Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)said-Allah has shown me both ends of the earth,East and West;my nation will extend reaching these two ends;I have been given the two treasures:the red and the white;I requested Allah to keep it immune from enemies except from within.. More