Recommendations for parents regarding training children to fast
Ramadan is the best month to train your child and teach him how to overcome the desires of his body and develop his ability to shoulder responsibility. It has been proven that the month of Ramadan is the best time to train children to perform religious obligations...
He can fast only some days of Ramadan
Question: My question is very sensitive and important for me. I'm very much afraid of Allah and Al-hamdulillah, on Tawheed and try to follow Islam as much as possible and I teach people Islam and do Da'wa work also. And I have learnt a lot from your website Al-hamdulillah, and Allah will give you reward for this, Inshaa Allah. The problem is I cannot fast, due to acidity and I cannot tolerate hunger, hardly I can fast for 2-5 days after that I will start feeling...

O You Who Has Completed Ramadan - III
The noble Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, used to persevere in whatever act of worship they did, as in the narration of ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, who said regarding the supplications after obligatory prayers, “Ever since the Prophet,...

Zakah: Purity and Growth - II
Furthermore, Zakah is a practical expression of brotherhood in Islam and is a realistic application of the morals of the Muslims on the part of the giver of Zakah. In addition, paying Zakah plays a great role in achieving security and stability. When the poor person...