Wise Sayings on the Remembrance of Death
It is narrated that a Bedouin was on a trip when his camel dropped dead. He descended from the camel’s back and circled it saying: "Why don’t you get up? Why do you not come back to life? Your limbs are fine and your body is sound; what is the...
The place of I‘tikaaf
We have previously mentioned that staying in the mosque is a condition for the validity of I‘tikaaf (seclusion in the mosque) that cannot be valid elsewhere. Rather, there is consensus on that as mentioned by Al-Qurtubi and by Ibn Qudaamah, may Allah have mercy upon them. in Al-Mughni. Ibn Rushd, may Allah have mercy upon him, said that scholars agreed that staying in the mosque is a condition for the validity of I‘tikaaf except Muhammad ibn ‘Umar...
The virtues of Fasting Ramadan
The righteous predecessors (the Salaf), may Allah be pleased with them, were very keen on pleasing Allah in any way they can and draw nearer to Him by means of performing different types of righteous deeds. They were more so during the blessed month of Ramadan...
Some Weak Ahadith about Ramadan
The weak ahadith which have become widespread amongst the people, at every level, are very many, to the point that very few manage to mention anything authentic - despite its being plentiful also. May Allah have mercy upon the Imam 'Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak who said: "There is sufficiency in the authentic ahadith so there is no need for what is weak." So let this Imaam be our example, and let us stick to the authentic and pure knowledge. From the...