Wants cure for magic or jinn possession

  • Author: Fatwa no. 88660
  • Publish date:02/04/2007
  • Section:FATWA FOR ALL
43477 0 2819


I just wanted to inquire about the cures for magic or jinn possessions. I will post some symptoms of the person concerned

* Sudden loss of interest in socializing, even with very close relatives.

* Unexplained physical and mental pressures when reciting the Quran or the kalima or namaz.

* Nervousness of being with people or looking at people, this could be explained as lack of confidence but it is not, the person concerned is quiet confident. Another sign is that other people that come in contact with that person become nervous which can be detected from their appearance.

* Sudden significant DECREASE IN MEMORY, even though the person concerned has had very good memory in the past and has won prizes in Quran memorization competitions and he is just a teenager to have brain diseases such as Alzheimer.

All these symptoms have started quite at the same time about 2-3 years ago and has worsen since (except the memory problem which started in the last 15 months).

His father’s family have contacts with people that practice magic and the person concerned has no good relations with his father and his relatives.

I would really thank you for your input on whether this might be caused form magic or jinn possession (or not), and if it is, the possible cures for them. 


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam is His slave and Messenger.

The symptoms that you mentioned about the patient, like neglecting to socialize with people, mental and physical pressures when reading the Quran, getting nervous when being with people or looking at them, sudden loss of memory, and the fact that the people who get near to him or deal with him get nervous as well, and so forth, are more likely to be magic rather than being possessed by Jinn. No matter what the condition is, the cure is in the Book of Allah. Allah says (what means): {And We send down from the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism and act on it).} [Quran 17:82]


It is also reported that the Prophet used to perform Ruqyah (reading Quranic verses and prophetic supplication) by reading chapters number: 112, 113, and 114. The Prophet said: "These chapters are the best for seeking refuge in Allah." [Muslim]


The treatment for magic is to read the verses in which magic is mentioned or have someone  read over the patient, like the saying of Allah (which means): {Then when they had cast down, Moosaa (Moses) said: "What you have brought is sorcery, Allah will surely make it of no effect. Verily, Allah does not set right the work of Al-Mufsideen (the evil-doers, corrupts, etc.)} [Quran 10:81]


One can also protect himself by the legislated mention of Allah, like the designated mention of Allah the morning and the evening, and by being in a state of ablution all the time. Another method of treatment for the patient is to read or have someone read for him the verses of the Quran on water and oil, like reading the beginning of chapter As-Saaffaat [Quran 37] and Ad-Dukhaan [Quran 44].

In addition to this, one can seek refuge in Allah by saying the following supplications: "U'eethukuma bikalimaatillaahi at-Taammah, min kulli shaytaanin wahaammah, wa min kulli 'aynin laammah (I commend you to the protection of Allah's perfect words from every devil, vermin and every evil eye).", "A'oothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min sharri maa khalaq (I take refuge in Allah's perfect words from the evil He has created)", "Bismillaahi al-Lathi la yadhurru ma'asmihi shay'on fi al-Ardhi wa la fi as-Samaa' wa Huwa as-Samee'ul-'Aleem (In the Name of Allah with whose name nothing is harmed on Earth nor in the heavens and He is the Samee' (The All-Hearing), the Al-'Aleem (The All-Knowing))".


One should read each of the above supplications three times, and then blow on the water and olive oil. The patient should drink the water and massage his body with the oil (or have someone massage him). But the patient should believe that the cure is from Allah and that the treatment is beneficial only with the Will of Allah.

This person has to repent to Allah about the bad relations with his father. It could be that what had happened to him was due to bad relations with his father. The family of the patient has to cut relations with the people who practise magic, as magic is one of the seven destructive great major sins. Indeed it is forbidden to go to magicians as this is considered one of the grave major sins.

The Prophet said: "A person who goes to a soothsayer or magician or diviner and asks him (about something) and believes his sayings, he has indeed disbelieved in what has been revealed to Muhammad (i.e. the Message of Islam.)." [Al-Bayhaqi and Abu Ya’la]

Allah knows best. 

Mofti: Fatwa Team Supervised by Dr. Abdulla Al-Faqeeh


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