Israel launches new spy satellite

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Israel's military has launched a spy satellite towards space, the defense ministry said, and a senior official has suggested that it could be used to spy on Iran.

The Ofek 7 satellite was "launched and successfully injected into orbit" early on Monday, the ministry said in a statement.

Israel's Army Radio said its resolution was high enough to detect objects of 70cm on the ground.

Haim Eshed, chief of the defense ministry's space program, suggested that the satellite could be used to counter Iran's efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.

When asked if the Ofek 7 could be used to strike Iran, Eshed said: "Intelligence is intelligence and you can do with the intelligence what the leaders decide.

"But this is definitely intelligence on the best level that it's possible to obtain from satellite systems."

Four-year lifespan

The satellite weighs 30kg, is 2.3m long and will operate for at least four years, Israel Radio reported.

Ofek 7 is to replace Ofek 5, which has been orbiting for almost five years.

Ofek 5's life had to be extended when the launch of its planned replacement, Ofek 6, failed two years ago.

Israel has labeled Iran as its most serious strategic threat.

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