Ramadan the training

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The whole Ummah looks forward to the New Moon,

To the new month, to the new month of Ramadan.
Allah then clamps down on the devil; clamps down the massive chains, Locked airtight, for Shaytaan (Satan) they contain.
Peace emanates from the black hearts and strips off the ink which soaks it, It permeates through the lungs as we breath, And makes its way out of the mouth in the form of Quran, Slowly it travels as sound, echoing back and forth, Moving through the land, slowly but moving, ‘Ishaa' moves in on the night, men are reading Al-Qur'an, the verses of Allah, for it is the first day of Ramadan, And so comes the peace.
‘Ishaa' finishes with an announcement; Taraweeh makes the subject, Muslims greet each other as the new prayer begins, The beginning from where it starts, The Quran builds the spirit, And so comes the peace.
Lights flicker through the windows before Dawn, before the rooster crows, Before most of the people get up, the lights of some buildings flicker,For Suhoor is what is being performed,We eat enough for the day, eat enough to last us to dusk, for in between we fast, For in between, no taste: sweet or sour, no taste is allowed to be inserted in the mouth, The day goes on as the pangs of hunger and thirst try to devour you, Rows of meat and stew cover the table for ‘Iftar as your mouth waters, Up at the clock you look, still an hour it reads, Then you sit down as your mind flips back to its side; your hand reaches out.
For peace, it reaches out to the Quran, and your mind falls into the same state as it once was, As it once was on the first day, the first day that brought the peace That brought the peace to
The  land, That brought the life, For it is Ramadan,
The Night of Power makes its silent entrance , sneaking its way into the last ten odd nights of Ramadan,One who knows is the All-Mighty Allah, For the Night of Power is concealed to us by Allah, By Allah, the Most Wise, By Allah, the most Knowledgeable,He concealed the Night of Power for His reason,A reason that is unknown.
Allah has given us such a night, A night that is so beautiful, A Night of Power, A night of enormous rewards, Be Thankful, For Allah gave us such a night, A night to use, A night to remember.
But the blessed Month is tapering away, As well as the chains that hold the Beast, And now it is the end of Ramadan, It is 'Eed, A day of celebration and joy, But it will soon also end, The massive chains will shatter and Shaitaan will torment again, The peace will go but still lurk about in the minds and souls of the Muslims, Yet only the true, loyal servants will be in acknowledgment That this Ramadan was a training, Training for when the Chains break, For when the Chains shatter, For when Shaitan is released, When most of the peace is gone, A training for that crisis, A training!

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