15 Ramadan

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15 Ramadan

- Birth of Al-Hasan Ibn 'Ali may Allah be pleased with them - 3 A.H.

- The Death of Lady Nafeesah bint Al-Hasan, daughter of the Ameer Abu Muhammad Al-Hasan ibn Zayd ibn Al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib. She was a righteous woman; Imaam Ash-Shaafi‘i learnt from her, and she offered his funeral prayer. She was buried in Egypt - 208 A.H.

- The Death of the Admonisher Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullaah ibn Ahmad ibn Habeeb, Abu Bakr Al-‘Aamiri, known as Ibn Al-Khabbaaz, died in this year. He learned Hadeeth and was known for giving admonition. He was cognizant of Fiqh – 530 A.H.
 - The Death of the renowned man of letters ‘Abdul-Haqq ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad Al-Himsi (born in Hims) Ad-Dimashqi Ash-Shaafi‘i, nicknamed Zayn Ad-Deen Al-Hijaazi. Many of his contemporary scholars praised him. He was a pleasant person and a skilled man of letters who mastered many literary arts. ‘Abdul-Haqq was interested in the intellectual sciences along with his broad knowledge of the Arabic language and Usool  - 1020 A.H.

- The massacre of the Ibraaheemi Sacred Mosque (in Palestine) - 1414 A.H.


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