18 Ramadan

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 18 Ramadan

- Death of Khaalid Ibn Al-Waleed may Allah be pleased with him, a great leader and companion of the Prophet - 21 A.H.

 -The Death of Imaam Az-Zuhri, Muhammad ibn Muslim ibn ‘Ubaydullaah Al-Qurashi Az-Zuhri . He was a noble Taabi‘i (successor of the Companions) and one of the prominent scholars and narrators of Hadeeth. He was the first scholar to write down knowledge. He was famous for his generosity and giving. Az-Zuhri died at the age of seventy-five – 124 A.H.

- Death of Al-Mu'tasim Ibn Haaroon Ar-Rasheed, the Abbasid caliph - 227 A.H.



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