24 Ramadan

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24 Ramadan

- Demolition of the Idol Manaat. The Prophet sent Sa‘d ibn Zayd Al-Ash’hali, may Allah be pleased with him, to the idol of Manaat. It was an idol sanctified by Al-Aws, Al-Khazraj, and those who followed their religion in the pre-Islamic era. Sa‘d set out with twenty horsemen and demolished it – 8 A.H.

- The Mosque of 'Amr Ibn Al-'Aas was constructed. It was the first mosque built in Egypt after it was conquered by 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab may Allah be pleased with him - 20 A.H.

Death of the eminent scholar and sophisticated Haafith Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Moosa ibn Mardawayh Al-Asbahaani died in this year. He was Asbahan's scholar of Hadeeth and author of At-Tafseer Al-Kabeer, At-Taareekh, and Al-Amaali Ath-Thalaathmaa't Majlis. He was one of the greatest scholars of Hadeeth and wrote a Mustakhraj (extract) on Saheeh Al-Bukhari – 410 A.H.


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