Means of remaining steadfast – I

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Remaining steadfast upon the religion of Allah is the objective of every Muslim who wishes to maintain himself upon the straight path. This is a very important matter and its importance is due to the following reasons:

· The condition in which the Muslims live nowadays, with the multitude of trials that they face and the desires and temptations they are engulfed with, as well as the suspicions, doubts and false propaganda that are raised against the religion, to the extent that Islam has become strange in the hearts and minds of many Muslims; the Prophet said that there would come a time when: “He who adheres to Islam will be like he who is holding a burning coal.” There is no doubt that the Muslims of today are in greater need of having means that aid them to remain steadfast in Islam than the early Muslims, and that the effort required to achieve steadfastness in these times is greater; this is due to the far greater level of corruption in this era, as well as the lack of those who support one to remain steadfast in these times.

· The large increase in the number of cases of apostasy, even among those who work for the sake of the religion, which terrifies all Muslims and makes them strive even harder to seek these means.

· The matter of steadfastness is one of the deeds of the heart, which makes it all the more difficult to perform, as the Prophet said: “The heart of the son of Aadam fluctuates more easily than a pot containing boiling water can turn over.” [Ahmad & Al-Haakim] The heart is like a feather that flips whenever the wind blows and changes from one position to another rapidly. Maintaining a steadfast heart in the face of the winds of desires and doubts requires means that are equivalent to the level of challenge.

It is from the mercy of Allah that He clarified to us, in His Book and through His Messenger many means to remain steadfast; the following are some of them:

Recitation of the Quran:

The Quran is the main means for one to remain steadfast, and attachment to it preserves and safeguards a person during trials. He who abides by it will be protected by Allah, and he who calls people to it will himself be guided to the straight path. Allah informs us that the reason behind Him revealing the Quran in segments and over a long period is that it would thereby be a means for steadfastness. He Almighty Says what means: And those who disbelieve say: ‘Why was the Quran not revealed to him all at once?’ Thus [it is] that We may strengthen thereby your heart. And We have spaced it distinctly. [Quran 25: 32] Why is the Quran a means for steadfastness? Because of the following reasons:

1.  It instils faith in the heart and purifies the soul by connecting it to Allah.

2.  It calms the heart of the believer and makes it tranquil.

3.  It provides the believer with the correct principles by which he can face the tough circumstances that he endures, as well as providing him with the appropriate criterion with which to weigh and judge matters.

4.  It refutes the false claims and suspicions that the enemies of Islam and the hypocrites allege; for example:

.  When the disbelievers of the tribe of Quraysh claimed that Allah had forsaken the Prophet Allah revealed the following verse which means: Your Lord has not taken leave of you. [Quran 93: 3] This verse emphatically boosted the morale of the Prophet .

.  When the disbelievers of the tribe of Quraysh claimed that the Prophet was learning the Quran from a Christian carpenter, Allah revealed the following verse which means: The tongue of the one they refer to is foreign, and this [i.e. Quran] is [in] a clear Arabic language. [Quran 16: 103]

These verses and others like them came as means to assist the Prophet and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, remain steadfast; they refuted such false claims and silenced the ones making them.

It appeared strange that Allah had promised the believers, upon their return from the Al-Hudaybiyyah treaty, that they would gain many war-booties (which referred to the booties of the battle of Khaybar), and that it would be exclusively theirs, and, that the hypocrites would request to accompany the believers, but that the believers would refuse and they (i.e., the hypocrites) would therefore have no share of these booties. These exact events were later to take place before the very eyes of the believers, and the concerned Quranic verses were revealed accordingly, in order to address each event. This undoubtedly planted firm belief in the hearts of the believers.

Adhering to Islamic regulations and performing righteous deeds:

Allah Says what means: Allah keeps firm those who believe, with the firm word, in worldly life and in the Hereafter. And Allah sends astray the wrongdoers. And Allah does what He wills.” [Quran 14: 27] It cannot be expected of those who are lazy and fail to perform any good deeds to be able to remain steadfast whenever trials afflict them. On the other hand, the believers, who are keen to perform good deeds, are enabled by Allah to remain steadfast and be guided to the straight path.

This is why the Prophet set an example in continually performing good deeds while encouraging his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, to do the same. Moreover, whenever he would perform a good deed, he would continually perform it thereafter, and his companions did likewise. There are many narrations in which he encouraged his companions to be constant in their performance of good deeds, such as his saying: “Paradise is confirmed (i.e., by Allah) for the one who continuously performs twelve (optional) Rak’ahs daily.” [At-Tirmithi]

Pondering upon the stories of the Prophets may Allah exalt their mention, and taking lessons from their lives to apply to ours:

Allah Says what means: And each [story] We relate to you from the news of the messengers is that by which We make firm your heart. And there has come to you, in this, the truth and an instruction and a reminder for the believers.” [Quran 11: 120] This verse was not revealed for entertainment, but rather for the great reason of helping the Prophet and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, to remain steadfast.

If one were to ponder upon the saying of Allah which means: “They said: ‘Burn him and support your gods - if you are to act.’ We [i.e. Allah] said: ‘O fire! Be coolness and safety upon Ibraaheem (Abraham may Allah exalt his mention).’ And they intended for him a plan [i.e. harm], but We made them the greatest losers.” [Quran 21: 68-70] would he not feel these verses energising him and boosting him to remain steadfast, especially if he was ever afflicted or tortured? They certainly would have that effect.

Also, when one reflects on the saying of Allah which means: “And when the two companies saw one another, the companions of Moosaa said: ’Indeed, we are to be overtaken!’ [Moosaa] said: ‘No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me’” [Quran 26: 61-62] does he not realise the meaning of persistence during critical times, whilst those around him may despair?

Means of remaining steadfast – II

Means of remaining steadfast – III


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