Globalization and women

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The globalization of women has turned them into global entities as of themselves, independent of any authority. Thus, international conferences have been held, and covenants and agreements formulated and signed, to oblige world governments to fulfill their rights.

But, what is disturbing is that the recommendations of these conventions and the agendas they perpetuate through their platforms, stem from the referential authority of feminism, some theories of which have collapsed in the last century.
While feminism has usually been ethnocentric, the latest wave of this ideology, like any political and intellectual one, aims at having advocates in all countries, among all citizens and in all institutions throughout the world. However, in generalizing women’s experiences and requiring their entire gender to embrace one doctrine, the movement has become tantamount to a new religion invading the world.
The danger of this ideology further lies in it being perpetuated under the guise of a new world order, which has attained what is deemed to be a decisive victory for Western secularist thought. The new world order aims to impose its goals and ideologies by force, on the entire world, so as to establish one global power, a universal authority and an ‘international being’. It is created from the removal of all restrictions that would limit the acceptance of its ambitions and interests, whether it may be in the forms of religion, language, color, sex, nationality or culture. In other words, the new world order is an alternative to all cultures, histories and national concepts, turning them into mere memories that have no value or significance, while subjecting people to only the entity that is installing it.
Also, the danger of this alternative global ideology lies in the fact that it infringes on the private sphere of the individual’s life that is shaped by religion, local customs and traditions. Hence, the far-reaching effects of this dogma impact individuality and culture, which form the basis of human identity and existence.
The sort of feminism that pervades this ideology promotes iniquity and contempt of morals. Its devilish notions are intellectually derived from neo-Marxism, which, unlike classical Marxism, believes in psychological liberation, rather than economic methods, to create a classless society.
According to modern Marxism, from which this new feminism derives its principles, family and motherhood are the causes behind a class, gender-biased system that oppresses women and limits their role to pregnancy and motherhood. It holds that the natural cosmic norm that necessitates such biological differences, must be revolted against and gotten rid of, and instead construed as social differences that are connected with the roles of each, not with their biological features. Therefore, when a man does the job of a woman and vice versa, male or female does not factor; rather, there must be a type of gender, or a profile, that defines one’s role in life, thereby permitting a female to do the work of a male and vice versa. Accordingly, families, children, men and women must no longer exist in their traditional sense; instead, there are to be new unstructured families and children born from artificial insemination.
What makes the United Nations, America and the West adopt such feminist thoughts and impose them on the world? It is no less than an atheist will to turn humanity into a worthless existence that contradicts the purpose for which Allah The Almighty made man a vicegerent on earth. In fact, such outrageous notions are not only dangerous for Muslim communities, who seem to be the main targets of this newly-formed criminal plan, but also for human civilization itself.
Tools of the new referential authority
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted in 1948, was the nucleus of this new referential authority that presented the issue of women and family as a matter of international concern after the end of World War II. However, the upheaval of political and economic developments in Third World countries at the time, diverted attention away from those social and cultural issues.
In 1950, the United Nations tried to hold the first round of its international conferences on women and family, under the title of "Family Planning", which was spearheaded by a Zionist Marxist, but the Egyptian monarchy strongly resisted and hence, it failed. However, the UN made another attempt and held a conference in Mexico City in 1975, in which it called for sexual freedom for adults and adolescents, as well as the right of abortion and birth control to balance population in the Third World; but it also did not quite succeed.
The subsequent conferences in Nairobi in 1985, “Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women”, followed by the International Conference on Population and Development, in Cairo, in September 1994, yielded positive results. Then came the conference, with which the UN ended the last century; the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, with the platform: "Action for Equality, Development and Peace". It concluded the final draft of the new referential authority aiming at women through social and cultural globalization, that the UN, America and Europe seek to impose on particularly the developing countries, as well as the rest of the world.
That is indeed the case, because the recommendations and documents that all UN member states are signatory to, are binding on them, with the UN itself, through its departments and institutions, ensuring the implementation of what has been laid down and following up on the activities of all governments. Non-governmental organizations that are affiliated to the UN serve as pressure groups in countries to monitor their commitment to UN resolutions and recommendations, thereby acting as proxies for the international body. The United Nations, founded on the concept of global governance, further holds conferences with governmental authorities and nongovernmental organizations every year or so, to ensure compliance to the new world order.
The mechanism of pressuring and obliging sovereign states to abide by agreements, results in interference in the internal affairs of countries. So, states deemed non-compliant by the UN are offered incentives, such as aid or loans to provide a cover of legitimacy to their demands, or terrorized through the imposition of international sanctions.
For example, amendments of personal and penal laws which have taken place in Egypt, Morocco and Jordan are part of these countries’ commitments to the international agenda agreed upon in UN conferences, and do not reflect the wishes of the local masses. Among these modified laws are those that award a woman the right to unilaterally void her marriage contract and travel, whether by herself or with her children, without restrictions; her right to citizenship, which, in actuality, is a guise to equate her with men in inheritance; freedom from submission to authority, meaning, objection to the man’s duty of being responsible for women; and her right to have intimate relationships beyond the domain of the house and family. All these issues were proposed as part of an international agenda, marking submission to a foreign and new world order that pushes forth feminism.
Such steps bear hallmarks of feminists, such as those in The National Council of Women in Egypt, who openly call for this new ideology without reservations. However, since such notions are a byproduct of western feminist thought, it reflects on how these women feel inferior to their Western counterparts and think that mimicking their ideas will make up for their low self-esteem, which even leads many of them to hate Islam, its social systems and family laws. In doing so, they come across as those who do not truly belong anywhere; their psychological makeup is severely affected. Thus, raising them to the level of being able to plan and discuss women's issues is, in effect, giving in to foreign forces that want those who adopt western thought in calling for a new kind of feminism, to represent women in the Muslim world. 
Beijing Declaration: terms of the new referential authority
In examining the Beijing declaration, which represents the peak of new feminist thought, we realize that there is a clear plan aimed at destroying the family, women and the human race itself. It seems that the Western culture wants to destroy other civilizations, especially the Islamic one, even after experiencing regression itself, because of undue submission to feminist thought and sexual and moral anarchy.
As part of what Samuel Huntington called “The Clash of Civilizations”, the social and cultural change being imposed on other civilizations, particularly the Islamic one, is represented in the declaration resulting from the conference in Beijing.
The statement read out by the President of the conference indicated the meaning of the word “gender” repeatedly used throughout the proceedings to have no new connotation, different from generally accepted usage. However, even as the Vatican and several governments noted, “gender”, which is not as clear as the word “sex”, must refer to only male and female. Using the term gender signifies rejecting the fact that biological makeup is predestined and that differences between male and female are created by Allah The Almighty, claiming instead that social, family and manmade environmental factors determine that instead. This trend promotes the idea of a person’s right to alter his sexual identity and each gender’s relevant roles. This entails a formal recognition of perverts and effeminate men by listing their demands as human rights such as same-sex marriage, forming families and having children through adoption or surrogate motherhood.
Further, the declaration demands that both women and girls enjoy the right to freely indulge in safe sexual activities with whomever they want, at any age, and not necessarily under the legal construct of wedlock. They only promote safe (yet sinful) relations, to avoid consequences, in terms of pregnancy or contracting AIDS.
The Beijing Declaration requests governments to give priority to protect the human rights and liberties, without the least discrimination, of men and women, and to help them fully and equally attain these privileges that include freedom to practice all types of sexual relations and have access to birth control and abortion, even though these practices contradict the world’s major Divine religions. It also demands authorities to pay attention to fulfilling the cultural needs of adolescents, by enabling them to positively and responsibly deal with sexual aspects of their lives. And without denouncing illicit relationships, it calls for giving the right to pregnant adolescent girls to continue with their education.
The Beijing Platform for Action does not talk about marriage as a legal bond that unites men and women in a social context, meaning, the family. In fact, it deems early marriages as obstructions to the advancement of women, thus proposing the age of consent to be modififed, with early marriages being banned in its entirety.
The word "parents" does not occur in the document except accompanied by the phrase "and other persons legally responsible for children", so as not to preclude families headed by two individuals of the same sex. The document does not use the word "husband" either, rather employing "partner" or "mate". It addresses the woman as an individual, not the woman who is the nucleus of the family. Thus, it is evident that they only recognize working women, not homemakers, considering them backward, not befitting the new world, for their job is not rewarding financially, but is one in which they only bind themselves to their husbands, children and family. To that effect, the word "motherhood" only occurred about six times, whereas the word "gender" was repeated sixty times and "sex" many times over.
The Beijing Declaration, as well as the Platform for Action, which was signed by one hundred and eighty countries, constitutes the alternative world referential authority that clearly indicates that religion may hinder the implementation of its resolutions. Hence, it called on religious institutions to aid in putting the Beijing platform for action into effect. Thus, even they become a tool for a global authority imposing a new world order on the entire world, as many Islamic institutions have become by giving a woman the right to travel without the permission of her husband, as well as to minors, including girls, without parental consent.
It is thought-provoking that the Declaration uses the word "equality" to express the elimination of all differences between men and women. It also uses the word "development" to insinuate sexual freedom and immorality. Even the word "peace" is laced with undertones that request governments to decrease defense budgets and devote more finances to further feminist ideologies. The Beijing Platform for Action obliges local governments to implement the strategic objectives of this new world order, in tandem with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. These are the new terms being enforced as a global ideology through one governing authority, targeting positions of power in different societies.
As for the Islamic civilization, Islam still constitutes a referential authority for its people and their way of life, especially in issues pertaining to the family, personal status, thought, culture and creed. This disturbs the United Nations and the West alike, because of the booming population of Muslims that exceeds 1,250, 000,000. Also, the Muslim world, as long as Islam still governs its cultural and social aspects of life and people’s identity, with its resources and wealth, threatens the dominance of their world order. Therefore, it is believed that it is necessary to strike at the core of the Muslim world in order to eliminate their Islamic identity and social systems, which have proven to be the fort that protects them from fall and decline.
The political and economic conflict with the West, has transformed into one tinged with religious, cultural and social differences that impact Muslim identity and existence. Therefore, this requires new tools to combat it and awareness as well as alertness. It is the whole of mankind – males, females, children and families – that is the object of attacks promulgated by the alternative global referential authority of the new world order.
Our Muslim world must arise and wake up, for our existence is contingent upon the extent to which we are committed to our description as "Muslims", in words and deeds. Otherwise, we will be replaced as Allah The Almighty Says (what means): "And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you." [Quran 47: 38]


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