The Women’s institute in Spain: The disastrous state of women in the West

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An institute focusing on women’s affairs issued a report that was prepared by a team of specialists who monitored the conditions of women in the western world. This institute is in Spain and is called the 'Women’s Institute'. It is an internationally acknowledged institute where various studies concerning the conditions of women are conducted. It submits an annual report regarding the conditions of women. The figures that are mentioned in the report refer to the state of women in two western countries: Spain and the United States of America. Spain was chosen as it is considered the last country that joined the so-called western civilization, while the United States is considered to be the peak of this civilization. Other western countries fall in between these two.

In Spain in 1989, the average rate of child-birth was 1.36 per woman and in 1992 the average rate became 1.2, which is the lowest percentage in the world. In 1990, 93% of Spanish women had used birth-control pills for fifteen consecutive years. In 1990, 130,000 women filed reports that they had been subjected to physical abuse from the men with whom they live (husbands and others). A Spanish solicitor said that complaints of physical abuse reached 54,000 in 1997. Police said that the real number is ten times larger. In 1995, one million women had plastic surgery. This means that in Madrid and its surrounding areas, one woman in five have had plastic surgery done. Every day there is a report about a woman who is killed in the most awful way by the man with whom she was living.
In the United States of America in 1980, there were 1,553,000 abortions, 30% of this number were young women under the age of twenty. Police said that the real number is three times larger. In 1982, 80% of married women who were married for fifteen years got divorced. In 1984, eight million women lived alone with their children without any external support. In 1986, 27% of citizens were financially dependent on women. In 1982, there were 65 cases of rape for every 10,000 women. In 1995, there were 82,000 rape cases, 80% of which were within the family circle and friends. Police said that the real number is thirty-five times larger. In 1997, societies defending women’s rights said that a woman is raped every three seconds. However, the official authorities replied that this number is exaggerated and that the truth is that a woman is raped every six seconds (meaning, the difference is only three seconds). In 1997, six million women suffered from physical and psychological abuse because of men. 70% of wives suffer from physical abuse and 4,000 women are killed every year because of being bashed to death by their husbands or those with whom they live. 74% of poor elderly people are women - 85% of whom live alone without any support or aid.
From 1979 to 1985, sterilization was performed for those who came to the United States from Latin America and women of Indian origin, and this was done without their knowledge.
From 1980 to 1990, there were almost one million women working as prostitutes. In 1995, the income of brothels and their media societies reached $2,500,000.
This annual report about women is called the Women’s Dictionary. It is issued by the International Studies Institute and is located in Madrid.

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