Family violence against women in the West - III

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In previous articles, we have unveiled the reality of the violence that the woman in the West suffer. In this article, we will complete the file of violence against women in the West.

In Canada
A Canadian organization that surveyed married women revealed that the capital witnessed the highest rates of assaults against wives than any other place in Canada. Thirty-six percent of wives admitted that they suffered assault in different ways at least once after the age of sixteen. Police records reveal that in 81% of the cases a male assaulter was involved; in 9 %, a female assaulter was involved; and in 10% of the cases, both male and female assaulters were involved. In about 53 % of these incidents, at least one of the persons involved was intoxicated. 
In New Zealand
An official statistical survey of family violence in which the famous SuzanneSnively took part, showed that about 300,000 women and children were victims of family violence. A study conducted by service providers for families in New Zealand shows that it is agreed that the rate of family violence is about 14 %. Other similar studies indicate that family violence has increased at a ratio between 1:10 for women and 1:7 for children. Referring to the population of New Zealand at the end of March 1994, these proportions can be translated to mean that one child out of ten equals 129,556 children and one woman out of seven equals 172,125 women. The total number of the victims of violence was therefore 301,691 women and children in that country.    
In Austria
In 1985, domestic violence was seen as a contributing factor in the failure of marriages in 59 % out of 1,500 divorce suits. Thirty-eight percent of these cases are working-class wives who called the police in response to being severely beaten up. Only 13 % of women who reported the assaults were middle-class wives; and 4 % were upper-class wives.
In Germany
A German study revealed that not less than a hundred thousand women are physically or mentally abused, every year, by their husbands or male sexual partners. The study maintains that the actual figure could exceed one million women. The study sums up the causes of violence to be long-term unemployment, financial debts, alcoholism and extreme jealousy. The Federal Ministry for Youth, and the Family and Health Department have therefore launched a project to offer aid through a charitable organization to be fulfilled within two years.
These were some brief statistics on the problems of women in the North America and Western European countries whose administrations have taken upon themselves the task of reorganizing the world and disciplining its people through changing their revealed and positive laws. The North American and European individual practices such a horrible amount of violence against wives, daughters and female partners, because the educational system in US and Europe is corrupted, deviant and needs to be reevaluated on a scientific basis. Women in the Arab and Muslim world do not suffer one tenth of these assaults as a Muslim man is refined by religion before he is refined by any laws. Muslim men are filled with nobility and not fake civilization. Muslim men do not dare to commit heinous acts that are similar to what these statistics show. We do not claim that our societies do not have abnormal and harmful practices, but such crimes remain within a limited area that, to its maximum, does not reach 5 %.
Unfair Programs
Womens liberation programs, which try to impose western standards on women all over the world, seek to push the dignified Muslim woman into flea markets, so that man can exploit her in work during the day, then, carry out all forms of assaults against her and her children at night. We hope that real statistical studies will be conducted in our Muslim world to prove that a Muslim woman, who wears a Jilbaab, yashmak and Hijab, and lives in deserts and tents as in simple areas in Arab societies, is paid honor and care that American and Western women would not dream of. Such American and Western women have become the focus of these statistics that bring shame to man, civilization and the entire society.

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