A study advising American women to follow the example of the Muslim woman

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A study that was conducted by Harvard University (USA) advised women in the United States to follow the example of Muslim women in terms of their morals and chastity so as to eliminate moral disintegration and the serious diseases that are plaguing the United States and western societies.

Harvard University (one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the US) conducted this study for an association specialized in the diseases that are caused by immorality. This was a comparative study of the rate of sexually transmitted diseases among Muslim women and western women. According to this study, AIDS represents nothing more than a possession that haunts Muslim societies when one of the family members travels abroad. Nevertheless, if such a person adheres to the teachings of Islam, he will return home safely, without being infected by this disease.
Within the Muslim community itself, people live in ultimate peace and do not fear these diseases as society enjoys internal social stability and total abstention from immorality. Moreover, Muslim women adhere to the teachings and morals of their religion; hence, there is no possible way for having a sexual relationship outside marriage.
The study added that the rate of sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS in Islamic societies does not exceed 0.5 per thousand people and that these societies are absolutely immune to these diseases because of the religious and moral commitment of Muslim women. The same thing applies to all other sexually transmitted diseases that only invade the societies that do not abide by moral limits.
The US study showed that the researches related to the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Muslim communities in the West proved that Muslim families that abide by the teachings of Islam do not suffer from any of these diseases. Moreover, these families enjoy a state of social stability that enables them to achieve financial and social progress. On the other hand, the study revealed that Muslim families in these communities which do not abide by these morals suffer from many of the problems from which Western society suffers.
The study stated that the chastity of the Muslim woman and her adherence to Hijab are considered among the most important reasons for the social stability enjoyed by Muslim societies. It also called on all American women to try to imitate Muslim women in their attitudes and the way they maintain their chastity, considering this the only way to save American society from collapse because of the moral disintegration and the diseases that are caused by illicit relationships.
It is important to mention that this is not the first study that was conducted by Harvard University, which acknowledges that Islam has introduced concepts and principles for the benefit of humanity. Recently, the Faculty of Medicine at the same university carried out a research that confirmed that leprosy does not infect a Muslim person who performs his prayers at their proper time. The study explained that lukewarm water is the only remedy for this disease; therefore, leprosy never infects the Muslim who preserves his prayers and performs ablution five times a day.
Harvard University was not the only university to acknowledge the greatness of Islam and its rituals. The National Institute for Health Care Researches in Maryland conducted a special study about Islam and its rituals. This study proved that a Muslim who preserves the Islamic rituals is psychologically and physically healthy, leads his life with superb psychological purity and suffers no psychological crises. On the contrary, a non-Muslim or a Muslim who does not observe the Islamic rituals does not have any of these benefits.
Additionally, some scientists in the state of Maryland examined 126 thousand people including religious and irreligious Muslims as well as non-Muslims.
The study revealed that the religious Muslims enjoy a truly sound social life. Moreover, the scientific medical examination proved that the immunity of a religious Muslim person is stronger than that of other people by 10-15%. In addition, it was proved that a Muslim who performs his religious duties is less vulnerable to sudden heart attack.

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