Artificial Motherhood Defeated

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Imagine if two mothers meet somewhere and each of them has a baby, one of them breastfeeds her child while the other bottle-feeds hers. What if they converse and each of them explains why she feeds her infant in the way she chooses, noting that they are both equally enthusiastic about their choice and insist upon it. Who would prevail, and who would be more convincing?

The first mother holds the feeding bottle and shoves it inside the mouth of her baby who holds it with its tiny palms and sucks greedily at the milk. In the meantime, the mother crosses her legs, straightens her clothes, and says to the other mother, "What do you think of my dress? This style of neckline is fashionable, but unfortunately you could not wear something like it because it is high and very difficult to breastfeed while wearing it." She says this while looking pitifully at the other mother who is pressing her baby to her bosom and breastfeeding him while he is moving his hands and legs happily, producing joyful sounds.
The other mother replies, "Should I deprive my infant of his natural right only in order to wear whatever clothes I want?" The first mother responds, "Of course not! Bottle-feeding has other advantages. Don’t you know?" Before the other woman can answer, she says, "I bottle-feed my baby regularly a few times a day. Artificial milk is slowly digested and therefore the baby feels satisfied for a longer time. I know exactly the amount of milk that my baby has had by looking at the measure on the bottle. It is difficult for you to know that since the breast has no measurement," she says in a mocking voice. She continues, "What about freedom? You cannot go out unless you express and leave behind some milk for your baby while you are away. You may be quite unable to go out if your child does not take the bottle. As for me, I can go out at any time and leave my baby with my husband, or with my mother, who can feed the baby with the bottle. In fact, this makes the father feel responsible, exerting effort like the mother and he thereby feels emotionally attached to his child just like the mother."
Without Embarrassment
Still breastfeeding her baby, the other mother listens attentively, and this encourages the first to continue, "When I gave birth to my baby, the doctor gave me a list of foods that I have to avoid as they would affect my milk. This means that I would have to deprive myself of many foods that I like. However, with bottle-feeding, I can eat whatever I like. When I am in a public place and my child is with me, I do not search for an isolated place to feed him. The feeding bottle is not an embarrassing thing for others to see." She inclines to the other woman sitting next to her and says in a smiling soft voice, "Keep thissecret: With bottle-feeding, a mother is very comfortable; there are neither hormones that disturb her mood nor does she need to stick to the child all the time to feed him whenever he likes. Moreover, there is no delay of work nor are there any continuous feelings of exhaustion that affect her psychological and physical relationship with her husband."
One Hundred Preventive Elements
She ends her speech saying with pride, "Do you now see how wonderful bottle-feeding is?" At this point, the bottle is empty and she pulls it out of her baby's mouth. She carries the baby until it burps and then puts it carelessly on the sofa. It is then that the other mother speaks. She says, "Based on experience and scientific research, I will tell you some advantages of breastfeeding.
“The mother's milk, by virtue of the Grace of Allah The Almighty, includes one hundred elements that are not found in artificial milk which is of a fixed composition. Its composition varies to cope with the baby's needs in the first two formative years. It is easily digested and does not include a high percentage of sodium that affects the baby's kidneys as artificial milk does and which also has a high percentage of phosphorus that hinders the absorption of calcium. In addition to this, my dear, the mother's milk does not cause any allergy to the child, whereas scientific research shows that 10% of infants suffer from allergies especially to cows' milk or to artificial milk during the first two years of age.
“If you calculate the percentage of constipation and diarrhea in infants you will find it is less in those babies who feed on their mothers' milk. They suck natural milk that is full of anti-bodies, which makes them less vulnerable to common childhood diseases and makes them more resistant to them."
Feeding on Air
I observe the first woman's face and find that she had an expression of both amazement and refusal, but she is listening with interest. The second woman continues, "You know, I often feel that my breasts are dry or contain little milk, however, my baby sucks on the nipple without any harm. Imagine if your baby sucks on the teat of the bottle while it is empty. The baby will swallow gulps of air, which upon entering the stomach will cause many problems, such as colic, gases and sleep disorders. As you know, sucking is an instinct that Allah The Almighty places in infants and helps them to satisfy it by breastfeeding. Glory be to Allah! Moreover, studies show that a baby's mouth and jaws develop in a normal and proper way if it sucks at its mother's breasts, as the nipples suit the shape of the mouth. A bottle's teat, however, disfigures the jaws and causes improper teeth growth."
For Free
"Let me ask you, what do you do when your child is hungry?" The first woman answers in a weaker tone than the one she used while speaking about bottle-feeding. "I boil the teat and the bottle, and put some boiled water and the milk in the bottle, and shake it. I then cool it under tap water if the child is very hungry, or leave it to cool at room temperature if he can wait. After he finishes sucking, I wash the bottle and boil it again to sterilize it."
The other woman remarks, "When my child is hungry, all I do is take out my breast and give it to my child without paying anything for the milk or the feeding bottles, and I neither boil water nor wait until the milk cools. Breast milk is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is always clean and sterilized. It also helps the mother's womb return to its natural size after childbirth." Looking at her little child who is sleeping innocently, she happily adds, "Embracing the baby while it is sucking at the breast enhances the emotional ties between him and the mother. The baby's eyes follow the mother, and she kisses him and caresses his head. Perhaps you can do that with bottle-feeding, but the bottle remains a barrier between you and your child." Her last words are, "Breastfeeding is a Divine gift for the mother and the baby, so why decline a gift of Allah, dear sister?"
Voluntary Deprivation
The first woman does not answer, and I ask permission to add a comment. I address her. "It seems that you are very enthusiastic about the bottle, but do you not note that you are the only one benefiting from bottle-feeding as if you are seeking comfort at the expense of your baby’s welfare? This is against a mother's instinctive affection. I meet a lot of women who use bottle-feeding out of necessity. I see in their eyes and hear in their voices hidden sadness and feelings of deprivation from a wonderful merit that they have lost due to circumstances. Why do you willingly choose deprivation, convince yourself of it by force, deprive your baby of a treasure of Divine advantages and deprive yourself of an unmatched emotional and health supply? Your child is still very young, so think about it." The woman does not utter a word, and I see her looking at her breast and then at the feeding bottle. I notice a smile on her lips when she embraces her little child. I wish she would let the baby taste her milk for the first time after some thought!

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