Employment concerns for working Muslim women – II: Working from home (a solution)

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For single and marriedsisters who must work due to financial need, this presents a perplexing dilemmaon one hand the true economic need is there, on another the tremendoustemptation and tribulation. These hardships have led some sisters in direstraights to turn to their local mosques for financial aid or in humiliation tothe welfare system; in most cases whatever assistance they do receive is neverenough to cover even the most modest living expenses. These options can onlyoffer short-term assistance and are not a solution to a long-term need. Oneoption that may work for most of us is working from home.

Most of us are aware of theindustriousness of the Prophet’s wife, Khadeejah may Allah be pleased with her. She, may Allah be pleased with her, was by allaccounts, an astute businesswoman. Although Khadeejah, may Allah be pleasedwith her, was a wealthy woman, starting a home-based business today does notrequire a large investment. In fact, in most cases, a small home-based endeavormay only require minimal funds to start-up. In addition, most of us are alsoaware that Islam has blessed women and permitted them to conduct business forthemselves. There is no question that it is permissible, but how we choose tocarry out that blessing is the key issue.

As Muslim women, we havecertain obligations, such as our home and family, which should always be ourutmost priority. We must never lose sight of the importance of thoseobligations; being good mothers and wives is much more crucial to our life inthe Hereafter than working at another job will ever be. Raising our children tobe trustworthy, honest Muslims is a means for us to acquire our goal of Jannah (Paradise), and that is something that no monetary wealth can ever accomplish nomatter how great. Knowing this, we have a choice to make, and protectingourselves by working from the security of home can make a world of difference toour family and more importantly, to enable us to safeguard our religion.
The notion of working at homeis not something new. The “work-at-home” idea has been echoed for years fromscam artists and homemakers alike, all trying to make some extra cash. However with the advent of the Internet, a new door has opened. Freelancing has becomecommonplace today’s job market and employees are now telecommuting more thanever before. Working from home can now be a reality instead of a dream forMuslim women.
Excellent benefits:
The benefits and rewards ofworking from home are innumerable. You are your own boss, and are therefore freeto manage your own time. For example, if your child needs attention or if youneed to perform your Prayer, it is your prerogative when to take a break; youwill be on your own time, not someone else’s. If your financial situationimproves and there is not a need to work a great deal, the option to take avacation is yours. You will have the ability to deal with your customers onlyvia e-mail, eliminating face-to-face contact completely and using the telephonealtogether. What’s more, you also get the added benefit of deciding when toreply to that e-mail, when you have the time. Checks come to you, rather thanyou going to them. In other words, the work can revolve around your life, ratherthan vice-versa.
One of the most beneficialaspects of working from home is that it can be done by one person, or as afamily venture. The effect of working as a team can even bring the family closertogether while simultaneously benefiting it financially. Everyone from the youngto the old can participate in running a home-based business. It can also be oneof the most effective hands-on learning opportunities for children. Running ahome-based business incorporates various real-life skills that children candiscover such as marketing, advertising, developing business concepts, math andteamwork.
Home business also provides asolid foundation to teach a child Islamic work ethics. For Muslim women, it is awin-win situation. You are able to be with your children, earn extra money fromyour home and set a schedule that works best for yourself and your family.
Working from home is also agreat way for sisters to band together and develop an organized effortnetworking their talents. If you are someone that has computer or businessskills, you can donate your time to teach other sisters that are in need of workso that they may benefit their own families, and in turn you will be rewarded Allah willing.
Our homes are a protectionfor us, but our homes can also be profitable, not only Islamically but alsoeconomically. It is up to us to be resourceful thinkers and find what each of uscan do from our home to help our families and ourselves, while preserving andprotecting our religion and chastity.
This was an attempt to givean alternative to substitute having to indulge in an out-of-home workingenvironment. However, if a sister is forced to get into such an environment then she must realize that Hijab, on its own, makes a statement telling she isa proud and committed Muslim. This, if done sincerely, could repel much harmfrom her.
The most important advice forsisters to remember is that no matter where we are, or what we are doing, weshould be persistent in fulfilling Allah’s commands, be ever mindful of Him and rely solely upon His grace and assistance. If we are in a job where we feelthat our values are being compromised, the best option is to leave. Allah Almighty, should always be our first priority, not money, personal satisfaction or desire for prestige or power. If things seem too overwhelming or difficult we should always turn to Allah and ask for his help and guidance.
The Prophet, sallallaahualayhi wa sallam, said: “Allah the Almightysays: ‘I will be for My slave as hethinks of Me.  I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention ofMe to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me inan assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if hedraws near to Me a hand’s span, I draw near to him an arm’s length; and if hedraws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a fathom’s length[Al-Bukhari]
If you absolutely must work then make sure that before you apply for any job to perform the IstikhaarahPrayer and seek guidance from Allah and place the matter with Him – indeedAllah is the Best Disposer of affairs, and the Best to rely on. Let us relyupon Allah in all of our matters, whether personal, social, orprofessional.

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