My problem is forgetfulness

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 Raawiyah Mustafa from Cairo asks, "I used to have a normal memory, but recently have begun to forget things. When I enter my room for something, I remain inside it for several minutes until I remember why I entered. I keep standing in front of the refrigerator, uselessly trying to remember what I wanted to get from it. There are other situations that bother me a lot and threaten the stability of my family life. Is there any way to overcome the weakness of my memory?”

 Forgetfulness - A Feature of This Age
Forgetfulness is associated with several problems that appeared and have increased in the second half of the twentieth century. It usually afflicts a man after the age of fifty, or maybe even earlier. Forgetfulness, in its simplest form, refers to the inability of a person to remember recent incidents, names, numbers or dialogues.
The American Newsweek magazine published a scientific study about the most important causes of forgetfulness. The results of modern research indicate that excessive physical and mental exertion without giving the body enough rest, entertainment and relaxation, leads to the production of adrenalin and cortisone derivatives. These derivatives have been proved to decrease thermal energy in the brain, which is necessary for many of its functions such as the process of remembering, understanding and receiving information. Hormones that result from excessive physical and mental exertion help in the formation of oxidizing substances, which are the most important cause behind forgetfulness and this is scientifically proven. They might also be among the causes that lead to Alzheimer's disease. Old age is also an important factor that causes forgetfulness.
Studies indicate that the rate of forgetfulness is remarkably high after the age of sixty and thereafter. Forgetfulness is closely associated with current problems and events. Researches also indicate that air, water and food pollution with heavy metals like mercury, lead and aluminum is one of the most important causes of being afflicted with a weak memory. Having a normal and moderate sleep pattern is one of the most important factors in activating the memory; hence, insufficient sleep weakens the memory, exactly as what happens when a person suffers from insomnia or uses stimulants for a long period of time.
Dr. 'Izz Ad-Deen Ad-Dinshaari, professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Cairo University, recommends that a person should get enough rest, relaxation, entertainment and should play physical sports to protect himself from forgetfulness. One should also avoid drugs, alcohol and smoking. Studies that were conducted in the University of Southern California indicated that some individuals who are more than seventy years old have a strong memory because they play physical sports that activate blood circulation in the brain. They also protect the arteries in the brain from the formation of clots. Moreover, physical exercise helps to produce substances that maintain the soundness of brain nerves.
The results of modern studies show that we can avoid forgetfulness by using natural substances that could be in the form of food, or substances that are added to food or herbs that stimulate blood circulation in the brain. Garlic is very important for refreshing the memory. Researches proved that eating from half to three cloves of garlic after cutting them into pieces every day protects a person from a deficit in memory, thinking and the acquisition of knowledge. Garlic also prevents many harms such as high cholesterol, clotting and cancer. Food that contains vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid that is found in beans, spinach, tomatoes, onion, olive oil, flaxseed oil, soybean, fish, oranges and bananas, also help in activating the memory. There are some herbs that sharpen the memory and resist forgetfulness like green tea and black tea that is mixed with peppermint. The roots of the ginseng plant contain elements that improve brain function and overcome exhaustion and fatigue, which are the key factors behind forgetfulness. Other modern studies indicate that it is possible to use gene therapy to avoid forgetfulness and Alzheimer's disease, which is the most dangerous disease that afflicts the memory. Medical statistics show that Alzheimer's afflicts nearly 10% of individuals who are above sixty-five years of age, and this percentage decreases in those who are under the sixty-five.
We would like to draw your attention to the importance of reciting and memorizing the Quran, no matter how difficult this might be. It is good exercise for the memory. We should not forget the Athkaar (mention of Allah) and supplications.
May Allah The Almighty grant us all a conscious brain and easy memorization.

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