Evil consequences of intermixing between the sexes

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Intermixing between men and women is an extremely dangerous issue and a widespread evil. The evil and harm that afflicts societies that mix freely are the best proof of this. Hence, the opinion that comes after an experience and suffering is of great significance as it is preceded by experiencing both the consequences and the results - whether negative or positive. The societies that have tried intermixing between the two sexes suffer terribly from its consequences, for it destroyed their security, demolished their morality, shook their stability and broke their bonds. Hence, some of them wrote about its harms and dangers to advise their people and warn others who seek to follow their footsteps. They hope that such people will not suffer from the same dire consequences.

The American journalist, H. Stanberry, said:
I advise you to adhere to your traditions and morals, prevent the intermixing between the two sexes, restrict the freedom of girls and even go back to the age of Hijab. This is better for you than suffering from the licentiousness, impudence, and immorality of America and Europe. Forbid the intermixing between the two sexes because it has caused us much suffering in America. Scenes of licentiousness and profligacy have plagued American society. The victims of intermixing between the two sexes fill the prisons; the intermixing between the two sexes in the American and European societies has destroyed the family and has shaken the foundations of morals and values.
Another writer says that it is a shameful act that Britain does by making its girls an example of vice by allowing them to mix frequently with men. Also, in Britain, the English writer Lady Cook warned against the danger and harm of intermixing between men and women, saying, “The more the intermixing between the two sexes is, the more illegitimate children we shall have. Statistical data shows that adultery is aggravated where the intermixing between men and women increases. Teach your daughters to keep away from men, and warn them against the danger that lies in wait for them.”
Reality speaks
With regard to figures and statistics about the dangers of intermixing between men and women, they show that in some countries, adultery was committed by between 70 to 90% of the female employees in all sectors. One-half of the women who were surveyed that work in the field of security had committed adultery with their supervisors. Even universities and places of education were not free from these deadly sins. University professors committed adultery with female students, and male students did the same with their female colleagues and teachers, either willingly or by force. These figures and statistics, despite their ridiculously high rates, were declared more than twenty-five years ago, so what would be the situation now?
The current situation shows that the intermixing between the two sexes in non-Muslim countries has only made people more lustful. The rates of rape and adultery are increasing, and this fact refutes the allegation that intermixing between the two sexes alleviates and refines sexual desires. On the contrary, intermixing between the two sexes increases sexual desires and increases corruption. It is like a thirsty person who drinks sea water and never quenches his thirst.
Sayyid Qutb said:
It was commonly believed that intermixing between the two sexes abreacts and relieves suppressed sexual desires and protects against suppression and psychological complexes. However, these were mere theoretical assumptions and what I myself saw in one of the most immoral countries that abides by no human, moral, or social restraint invalidates these assumptions.
Yes, intermixing between the two sexes did not refine or tame the sexual desires in the countries where there is no limit on uncovering the body or all forms of sexual intermixing between men and women; rather, it resulted in an outbreak of a sexual frenzy and a thirst that is never quenched. I saw many psychological diseases and complexes that were thought to be caused by deprivation and longing for the other hidden sex. Moreover, I saw sexual deviation in all its forms as a direct result of the unlimited intermingling between the sexes. Today, the experiences throughout the world prove what we say, and the symptoms are more clear and evident in the countries where extreme intermixing between the sexes is allowed and applied. 
No sane person could say, “Let us throw a man into a rough sea, and then ask him to keep his clothes dry.” Also, he could never say, “Let us throw a man into a burning fire, and then ask him to keep his body unburnt.” If a sane person does not say this because he knows it to be impossible, then, similarly, he will not call for the intermixing between the sexes in universities, as well as other places of education and work because he knows with certainty that chastity can never be maintained in the presence of what nullifies it, including the intermixing between the sexes.
Hence, those who explicitly or implicitly call for intermixing between men and women, from the members of our Ummah (Nation) and the followers of our religion, under the pretext that this is an implication of our age and civilization, must know a important thing. They must know that by insisting on this, they are destroying the security of their homelands, the happiness of their societies, the unity of their families, the dignity of their women and the protective jealousy of their men.
Wise people in the countries that tried intermixing between the sexes strongly called for preventing it after they saw its harmful consequences and the many disadvantages that threaten the power of their countries.

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