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Her name is Timaadhur bint 'Amr ibn Al-Haarith As-Sulaymiyyah, and her nickname was Umm 'Amr, and she was known as Al-Khansaa`, may Allah be pleased with her.

Her Poetry: She, may Allah be pleased with her, was one of the most famous female poets among the Arabs, and the scholars of poetry consensually rated her to be the best female poet. All her poetry was elegies about her two brothers Mu'aawiyah and Sakhr, and her poems about them became very famous. Once she recited some verses of poetry in the presence of Ath-Thubyaani and Hassaan ibn Thaabit, the best poets of their time, and the former said to her: "You are the best female ever to have recited poetry. Have I not heard to the blind man (Al-A'sha) reciting his poem before you, I would have announced you to be the best poet for this season"
Embracing Islam: She, may Allah be pleased with her, went to the Prophet with her tribe (Bnu Sulaym) and announced her becoming Muslim and her acceptance to the creed of monotheism. She became a good Muslim and one of the bright examples of bravery, self-esteem and motherhood. 
The Prophet used to like her poetry and would call her to recite some poetry verses before him, and would say while she is reciting: "Wonderful O Khansaa`"
When the Muslim were getting ready for the battle of Al-Qaadisiyyah, she, may Allah be pleased with her, alongside her four children were among those who went forward for this battle.
She, may Allah be pleased with her, sat gathered her four children in one of the tents in the Muslim army's camp and advised them saying: "Dear children! You have embraced Islam submissively and have migrated willingly. I swear by Allah! You are all children from one woman who has never betrayed your father, nor disgraced your (maternal) uncle, nor mixed your genes (by remarrying after the death of her husband). You know very well the good reward Allah Has prepared for those who fight the disbelievers. Remember that the eternal dwelling is by far better than the vanishing one; Allah says (what means): "O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful" [Quran 3: 200] If you wake up healthy, go forth and fight your enemy knowing firmly that Allah will support you against them and will grant you victory"
As the next day's sun rose, and the two armies lined up against each other, the war broke and all her four sons were martyred … one after the other; each of them recited some verses of poetry before he was killed stating their gratitude to the advice of their mother and her encouragement to them.
A patient mother: She, may Allah be pleased with her, was receiving the news of the Muslims, and then the news of the martyrdom of her four children reached her, to which she responded: "All perfect praise is due to Allah Who Has honored me with their martyrdom, and I hope He rejoins me with them in Paradise"
By this type of patience, Timaadhur bint 'Amr ibn Al-Haarith As-Sulaymiyyah (Al-Khansaa`) may Allah be pleased with her, set a marvelous and unique example for people to follow in the footsteps of; she was indeed a woman who submitted to the Will and Decree of her Lord and persevered patiently during hardship.
A patient mother: She, may Allah be pleased with her, died at the beginning of the caliphate of `Uthmaan ibn `Affaan, may Allah be pleased with her, during the year 24 AH.

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