Making Istikhaarah to buy a house and invest in business

  • Author: Fatwa No. 90291
  • Publish date:30/05/2010
  • Section:FATWA FOR ALL
2092 0 568


Can I make Istikhaarah for 2 matters? For example, if I want to buy a house and invest in business. So, have I to make 2 Istikhaarah or 1 is sufficient I ask Allah for both the matters.


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


Performing Istikhaarah prayer is Sunnah whenever a person intends to undertake a lawful matter. The narration that proves it is reported by Al-Bukhari and others. We did not find any saying of scholars that prohibit performing one Istikhaarah for many matters. Imaam An-Nawawi  said in the explanation of the book of Imaam Muslim: 'The narration indicates desirability of performing Istikhaarah prayer for the one who wants to undertake something whether its advantage is apparent or not.'


Al 'Ayni  said, 'He has to specify his need, for instance, he has to say, 'if You know that this matter of traveling, or marrying or the like.' Al Mubaarakpoori said, 'He performs this prayer whenever he intends to do something like marriage, travel, or something else, or refrain from doing something.'


Therefore, mentioning the matter you intend is better. For example you may say, 'O Allah! If You know that purchasing the house is better for me…..' and then continue reading the remaining supplications as reported in the narration. Similarly the other needs should be mentioned.


However, it is preferable to perform a separate Istikhaarah for every need since doing so is easy and leads to repeat the prayer and supplication frequently which brings good and blessings, as it is known.


Finally, if one performs one Istikhaarah for many matters we do not know any evidence that prohibits that practice. 


Allah Knows best.

Fatwa answered by: The Fatwa Center at Islamweb


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