Attempted methods of concession – I

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One day the polytheists gathered and said, “Let the most knowledgeable one amongst us in sorcery, soothsaying and poetry go to that man [i.e. Muhammad ] who has disunited our group, dispersed our ranks and criticized our religion, and talk to him and see his response.” It was said, “We do not know any man who has mastered these things other than ‘Utbah bin Rabee‘ah.” Accordingly, they chose him for the mission.

Utbah went to the Prophet and said, “O Muhammad, are you better or [your grandfather] ‘Abdul-Muttalib?” The Messenger of Allah remained silent. ‘Utbah then said

If you claim that they are better than you, then you must know that they worshipped the gods that you reject. If you claim that you are better than them, then, speak out so that we hear your speech. By Allah, we have not seen anyone who brought evil omens to his people more than you have. You have disunited our society, dispersed our affair, criticized our religion and disgraced us among the Arab tribes until it has become widespread that there is a sorcerer and soothsayer in the Quraysh. By Allah, we do not expect but an evil thing will occur soon when we would fight each other until we all perish. O man, if you need money, we shall collect for you from our wealth such that you will become the richest man in the Quraysh. If you wish to marry, then choose ten women from the Quraysh to be given to you in marriage.
The Messenger of Allah asked: “Have you finished?” He replied, “Yes”. The Messenger of Allah then recited the verses in which Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Ha-Meem. [This is] a revelation from the Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful - A Book whose verses have been detailed, an Arabic Quran for a people who know} [Quran 41:1-3] until he reached the verse (which means): {But if they turn away, then say, “I have warned you of a thunderbolt like the thunderbolt [that struck] ‘Aad and Thamood.”} [Quran 41:13] Thereupon, ‘Utbah screamed, “Stop! Do not you have anything other than this?” The Prophet said: “No.”
‘Utbah returned to the Quraysh, who asked, “What is the matter with you?” He replied, “I did not leave anything that I thought you might say to him except that I said it to him.” They asked, “Did he answer you?” He replied, “Yes.”
In the narration of this story as related by Ibn Is-Haaq it was mentioned that when he sat with them, they asked him, “What happened, O Abu Al-Waleed?” He answered them saying, “I heard words, and by Allah, I have never heard the like of them. By Allah, it is not poetry, sorcery or soothsaying. O people of the Quraysh, obey me and leave this man by abandoning him. By Allah, what I have heard from him will be held in high esteem. If the Arabs overcome him, then you will get rid of him by means of others. If Allah grants him victory over the Arabs, then you will share his kingdom and honor and be the happiest people at his victory.” They said, “By Allah, he bewitched you, O Abu Al-Waleed, by his tongue.” He said, “I have given you my opinion, and it is up to you to do what you believe to be right.”
Lessons to be learned:
A- The Messenger of Allah did not engage in a digressional argument with ‘Utbah concerning his superiority over his father and grandfather or their advantage over him. Had he done so, the conversation would have been ended without letting ‘Utbah hear what he wanted to say.
B- The Prophet did not engage in a digressional argument concerning the enticing offers made to him and did not express his anger at the accusation against his character. Rather, he let ‘Utbah continue his speech because he had a far-sighted goal. The Prophet was very polite and well-mannered and asked: “Have you finished?” The latter replied in the affirmative.
C- The response of the Messenger of Allah was decisive. His choice of these verses indicated his wisdom. These verses dealt with fundamental issues, namely that the Quran was revealed by Allah The Almighty, showing the stance of the disbelievers and their rejection of the truth, pointing out the mission of the Messenger of Allah clarifying the fact that he was a human being, and pointing out the fact that the Creator is one God, Allah, who created the heavens and earth, pointing out the attitude of the previous nations and the punishment that befell them, and finishing with warning the Quraysh of a thunderbolt like that one which befell ‘Aad and Thamood.
D- The danger of wealth, authority and women to Islamic callers. Many Islamic callers have been deviated from their path due to the temptation of wealth. Huge amounts of money have been offered to Islamic callers to stop their Da‘wah (call). Those who are steadfast before the temptation of wealth are the true followers of the Prophet . The danger of authority is clear for the devil incites and entices in very wicked and lewd ways. The righteous Islamic callers are those who follow the steps of the Messenger of Allah in his actions and sayings and do not forget the purpose for which they should live and die. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. No partner has He. And this I have been commanded, and I am the first [among you] of the Muslims.”} [Quran 6:162-163]
As for the temptation of women, the Messenger of Allah said: “I am not leaving behind me a more harmful Fitnah for men than women.” If she is a wife, she may dissuade her husband from being involved in Da‘wah and Jihaad. Women may be a trial in the form of lewd women being asked to entrap the caller, or by preparing an atmosphere of immorality and dissoluteness so that the caller falls into this pit step by step. They represent a great tribulation for one’s religion. The people of Quraysh offered the Prophet the choice from among the best women of the Quraysh to be his wives. The danger of a lewd woman is graver than the danger of a sword over the neck. Islamic callers should follow the steps of the Messenger of Allah . They should always bear in mind what Prophet Yoosuf (Joseph), may Allah Exalt his mention, said in the verses (what mean): {He said, “My Lord, prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me. And if you do not avert from me their plan, I might incline toward them and [thus] be of the ignorant.” So his Lord responded to him and averted from him their plan. Indeed, He is the Hearing, The Knowing.} [Quran 12:33-34]
E- ‘Utbah was greatly affected by the stance of the Prophet . This effect was clear enough to be noticed by his companions before he even told them anything of the incident. Having called for the annihilation of the Da‘wah of Muhammad he then appealed for the very opposite by asking the people of the Quraysh to let Muhammad do as he pleased.
F- The Companions heard what had occurred between the Prophet and ‘Utbah. They saw how the Prophet rejected all the enticing offers. This was an important lesson that was inculcated in them, and from it they learned how to adhere firmly to their principles and creed and how to throw temptations behind their backs.
G- The Companions learned from the Prophet forbearance and good-heartedness. He listened to the false allegations of ‘Utbah without commenting on his words that, “There is a sorcerer in the Quraysh… there is a soothsayer in the Quraysh… we have not ever seen anyone who has brought evil omens for his people than you… if you are possessed by the Jinn…” The Prophet did not comment on these insults in order not to be distracted from conveying his Da‘wah to the master of the Banu ‘Abd Shams. Every word that was uttered by the Prophet is a principle and an attitude to be followed, and everything he ignored is also a good moral to be followed.

Attempted methods of concession – II

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