Supplication in Hajj - I

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Allah The Exalted commands His slaves to supplicate to Him and promises to answer and reward them for their Du‘aa’. Numerous texts of the Islamic Sharee‘ah have underlined the greatness, virtue, significance, and status of Du‘aa’ in Islam. In fact, Du‘aa’ is the essence of worship, and it is one of the effective ways to prevent the trials or misfortunes that had been decreed to befall the servant before they befall him or to remove them after they have befallen him. 

Furthermore, Du‘aa’ is the most important key to open the hearts so that they may find rest and relief of anxiety. It is the refuge for those who are helpless, oppressed and weak. Indeed, the most helpless of people is he who is unable to beseech Allah in supplication.
If the virtue of Du‘aa‘ in general is as such, then that virtue becomes much greater and more confirmed in Hajj; as Du‘aa’ is more likely to be answered during these blessed times and in these blessed places. The pilgrim is a traveler, and the righteous traveler’s supplication is answered, since the Prophet, , said:“Three supplications are definitely answered, and there is no doubt about them: that of a father, that of a traveler, and that of one who has been wronged.” [Abu Daawood and others]
Moreover, the pilgrim’s Du‘aa’ is accepted; as the Prophet, , said: “The delegation [guests] of Allah The Exalted are three: one who is performing Jihaad [i.e. fighting in the cause of Allah], one who is performing ‘Umrah [lesser pilgrimage], and one who is performing Hajj; He called upon them and they responded, and they ask Him and He gives them.”[Ibn Maajah]
In Hajj, the pilgrims’ need for Allah The Exalted and His help is more intense than at any other time, so they are more sincere in worshipping Allah The Almighty, and these are among the fundamental reasons for the acceptance of their Du‘aa’. It was narrated in the story of the three men who were trapped in a cave when a big rock blocked its entrance that the men in crisis started beseeching Allah sincerely and humbly in supplication until the rock was removed and they were freed.
Furthermore, there are various times and places where and when Du‘aa’ is recommended and is most likely to be answered such as:
1- Du‘aa’ during Tawaaf (circumambulation):
There is no specific Du‘aa’ that should be recited during Tawaaf. The pilgrim may recite whatever supplication that he prefers asking Allah The Exalted to grant him all that is good in this life and the afterlife. However, a reported supplication that the Prophet, , would recite between the two corners of the Ka‘bah, i.e. while circumambulating between the Yemeni Corner (Ar-Rukn Al-Yamaani) and the Black Stone, reads: “Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanah wa fil-aakhirati hasanah, wa qinaa ‘athaab an-naar.” [Abu Daawood] (Which means: “Our Lord, grant us in this world [all that is] good and in the Hereafter [all that is] good, and protect us from the torture of the Fire.”)
2- Du‘aa’ on Mounts Safa and Marwah:
In the detailed account that Jaabir, may Allah be pleased with him, gave of the Hajj of the Prophet, he said: “…He first mounted As-Safaa until he saw the House [Al-Masjid Al-Ḥaraam]. Facing the Qiblah, he started his Du‘aa’ by saying: ‘Laa illaah illa Allah, Allahu Akbar,’ then he said: ‘Laa ilaaha illa Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulk wa lahul-hamd, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer, laa ilaaha illaa Allah wahdahu, anjaza wa‘dahu, wa nasara ‘abdahu, wa hazam al-ahzaba wahdah.’”[Muslim] (which means: there is no god but Allah, He is One and has no partner. His is the sovereignty, to Him praise is due, and He is Powerful over everything. There is no God but Allah alone, He fulfilled His promise, made victorious His servant and defeated the confederates alone.)
Jaabir, may Allah be pleased with him, added, “… The Prophet, said these words three times making supplications in between. He then descended and walked towards [Mount] Marwah. When his feet touched the bottom of the valley, he walked with a fast pace; and when he began to ascend, he returned to his normal walking pace until he reached [Mount] Marwah. There he did as he had done at As-Safa….” [Muslim]
3- Du‘aa’ on the Day of ‘Arafah:
It was reported that the Prophet, , said:“The best supplication is what is made on the day of ‘Arafah, and the best thing that I have ever said as well as all the previous prophets is ‘Laa ilaaha illa Allah wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahul-mulk wa lahul-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer.” [At-Tirmithii] (which means: ‘There is no god but Allah alone, He has no partners. All sovereignty and praise belong to Him, and He is over all things Omnipotent.’)
The Prophet, , spent that day of ‘Arafah on top of his camel raising his hands and reciting this supplication from sunrise until sunset.
4- Du‘aa’ at Al-Mash‘ar Al-Haraam in Muzdalifah:
In the previously cited Hadeeth in which Jaabir, may Allah be pleased with him, gave a detailed account of the Hajj of the Prophet, he said, “…He [the Prophet, ] remounted [his camel] Al-Qaswaa’. On arriving at Al-Mash‘ar Al-Haraam, he faced the Qiblah and started his Du‘aa’ by beseeching Allah The Exalted, declaring the Oneness of Allah and glorifying Him, and remained standing until daylight was very clear...” [Muslim]
5- Du‘aa’ in the days of Tashreeq (the 11th, 12th, and 13th of Thul-Hijjah) while casting the Sughra Jamrah and the Wusta Jamrah (Small and Medium Pillars):  
The Prophet, would stand and face the Qiblah (direction of prayer) after throwing the pebbles, raising his hands to supplicate Allah The Exalted for a long time. 
6- Du‘aa’ when drinking from Zamzam water:
The Prophet, said: “The water of Zamzam serves the purpose for which it was drunk.” [Ibn Maajah]

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