Inauthentic Hadeeths related to Hajj

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Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam and one of its great foundations. There are many authentic Hadeeths (narrations) indicating the virtue as well as the relevant rulings of Hajj. Some of these Hadeeths are mentioned in our article titled "The Virtues of Hajj and ‘Umrah". In this article, we try to collect the Hajj-related Hadeeths that are ranked as inauthentic by the scholars in order not to be falsely attributed to the Prophet, .

 "Indeed, Allah The Almighty admits into Paradise three persons for a single Hajj: the deceased, the one who performs Hajj on his behalf and the executor of that." [Al-Bayhaqi]
This Hadeeth's Isnaad (chain of narrators) is ranked as Dha‘eef (weak) by Al-Bayhaqi . The Hadeeth is also judged as Dha‘eef by Al-Haafith Al-‘Iraaqi .
"The Angels shake hands with pilgrims who are riding and embrace those who are walking." [Al-Bayhaqi]
This Hadeeth's Isnaad is ranked as Dha‘eef by Al-Bayhaqi . It is also ranked as Dha‘eef by Al-Munaawi in Faydh Al-Qadeer. Al-Albaani ranked it as Mawdhoo‘ (fabricated).
 "A Ghazwah (battle) for one who has performed Hajj is better than forty Hajjs." [Sa‘eed ibn Mansoor]
In Dha‘eef At-Targheeb wat- Tarheeb, Al-Albaani ranked it as Dha‘eef.
"Iblees (Satan) has rebellious devils to whom he says, 'Your task is to mislead those who perform Hajj and Jihaad.'" [At-Tabaraani]
This Hadeeth is ranked as Dha‘eef by Al-Haythami in Majma‘ Az-Zawaa’id. 
"For Hajj to be perfect, one should assume Ihraam from the place (country) where his family lives." [Al-Bayhaqi]
In At-Talkhees, Al-Haafith ranked one of its narrators as Dha‘eef. Similar judgments are given by both Al-Bayhaqi and Ath-Thahabi. Some of the scholars, however, judged the Hadeeth as authentic and attributed it to ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him.  
"Performing Hajj and ‘Umrah frequently prevents poverty." [Ad-Daylami] The author of Kanz Al-‘Ummaal attributed the Hadeeth to Al-Mahaamili . Al-Albaani judged it as Mawdhoo‘ in Al-Jaami‘ As-Sagheer. "Those who perform Hajj and ‘Umrah are the guests of Allah, He gives them what they ask for, answers their supplication and compensates them for what they spend, a thousand thousand dirhams for each dirham." [Al-Bayhaqi in Shu‘ab Al-Imaan]
Al-Albaani judged it as Dha‘eef in Dha‘eef At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb.
The authentic narration of this Hadeeth is: "Those who perform Hajj and ‘Umrah are the guests of Allah. If they supplicate Him, He answers (their supplication), and if they ask for His forgiveness, He forgives them." [An-Nasaa’i, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibbaan] In Saheeh At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb, Al-Albaani ranked it as Saheeh (authentic) Hadeeth.
"Perform Hajj for it washes out sins as water washes out filth."
In Majma‘ Az-Zawaa’id, Al-Haythami said, "The Hadeeth is narrated by At-Tabaraani in Al-Awsat. It has a Dha‘eef Isnaad."
"Perform Hajj before you are unable to. The Bedouins will stay at places where the valleys of water stop and none can reach Hajj." [Al-Bayhaqi]
It is judged as Dha‘eef by Ibn Al-Jawzi in Al-‘Ilal Al-Mutanaahiyah, Munkar (rejected) by Ath-Thahabi in Mizaan Al-I‘tidaal and Baatil (false) by Al-Albaani in As-Silsilah Adh-Dha‘eefah.
"Hajj is Jihaad and ‘Umrah is a voluntary (act)." [Ibn Maajah]
The Hadeeth is ranked as Dha‘eef by Al-Haafith in At-Talkhees, Al-‘Ayni in Sharh Al-Bukhari and Ash-Shawkaani in Nayl Al-Awtaar.
 "Hajj is the Jihaad of every weak person." [Ibn Maajah]
The Hadeeth is ranked as Mursal by Al-Bukhari this was transmitted by Al-Munaawi on the authority of At-Tirmithi . It is narrated by Ash-Shawkaani in Al-Fawaa’id Al-Majmoo‘ah. Al-‘Ayni stated that it is Mursal Hadeeth. It is also narrated by the author of Al-Asraar Al-Marfoo‘ah. It is ranked as Dha‘eef by Al-Arnaa’oot in Tahqeeq Al-Musnad and Hasan by Al-Albaani .
"(The position of) ‘Umrah to Hajj is like that of the head to the body and that of the Zakah to fasting." [Ad-Daylami in Musnad Al-Firdaws]
In Dha‘eef Al-Jaami‘, Al-Albaani ranked it as a very weak Hadeeth.
"Hajj takes precedence over marriage." [Ad-Daylami]
In Faydh Al-Qadeer, Al-Munaawi said, "The Isnaad includes Ghiyaath ibn Ibraaheem and he is a Matrook (rejected) narrator as Ath-Thahabi said. It also includes Maysarah ibn ‘Abd Rabbih and he is a famous Kaththaab (liar)."
In Dha‘eef Al-Jaami‘, Al-Albaani ranked it as a Mawdhoo‘ Hadeeth.
"Hajj and ‘Umrah are two obligations and there is no harm to start with anyone of them." [Ad-Daaraqutni]
It is ranked as a Dha‘eef Hadeeth by Ibn Al-Jawzi and Ibn Taymiyyah. Al-Haafith ibn Hajar said, "The Isnaad of this Hadeeth is Dha‘eef." A similar judgment is given by Al-‘Ayni in Sharh Al-Bukhari.  
 "There is no male or female servant of Allah who refrains from giving a charity for the pleasure of Allah but he will spend manifold for the displeasure of Allah; there is no servant who abandons Hajj (the obligatory Hajj) due to a worldly pleasure but he will see destruction before getting that worldly pleasure; there is no servant who abandons providing for his (Muslim) brother's need (whether it is fulfilled or not) but he will be put to trial by helping a person whom for helping he will be deemed guilty, not rewarded." [Ad-Daylami in Al-Firdaws]
The Hadeeth is ranked by Al-Albaani as Dha‘eef in Dha‘eef At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb and Munkar in As-Silsilah Adh-Dha‘eefah.
"There are six (deeds), a person who does one of them will come on the Day of Judgment and with him will be a covenant, and each one of them (the deeds)will say that he used to do me: prayer, Zakah, Hajj, fasting, fulfilling the trust and maintaining kinship ties."
In Majma‘ Az-Zawaa’id, Al-Haythami said, "It is narrated by At-Tabaraani in Al-Kabeer. Its Isnaad includes Yoonus ibn Abi Hathmah and I do not know anyone who mentioned him (i.e. he is unknown)."
 "The two ‘Umrahs expiate the sins in-between; the reward of the valid and accepted Hajj is Paradise; whenever the pilgrim says "Glory be to Allah" "There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah" or "Allah is The Greatest" but the glad tidings are given to him." [Al-Bayhaqi in Shu‘ab Al-Imaan]
The Hadeeth's Isnaad is ranked as Dha‘eef by Al-Munaawi . In Dha‘eef Al-Jaami‘, Al-Albaani judged the Hadeeth as Dha‘eef.
The authentic narration of this Hadeeth is: "The reward for the valid and accepted Hajj is Paradise, and the two ‘Umrahs expiate the sins in-between." [Ahmad] This narration is ranked as Saheeh by Al-Arnaa’oot .
Another authentic narration of the Hadeeth: "The two ‘Umrahs expiate the sins in-between, and the reward for the valid and accepted Hajj is Paradise." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
"‘Umrah before Hajj is forbidden." [Abu Daawood]
This Hadeeth's Isnaad is ranked as Dha‘eef by Al-Khattaabi .
This is a group of Hadeeths relevant to Hajj. It is not proved that they were said by the Prophet, . Therefore, we wanted to alert to that, and Allah The Almighty is the One Who guides to the straight path.

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