Mistakes in Sa‘y (Walking between As-Safa and Al-Marwah)

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·        Raising one's hands as one does in prayer upon ascending As-Safa or Al-Marwah.

The Sunnah (tradition), however, is to raise them as the one who supplicates Allah The Almighty does, praise Allah, exalt Him and supplicate while facing the direction of the Ka‘bah.
·        Jogging or walking fast between the two mountains of As-Safa and Al-Marwah in every round.
This is a mistake, because the Sunnah is to do so between the two green signs and then walk normally in the rest of the round.
·        Women jogging or walking fast between the two green signs. 
This is against the Sunnah, because this is an action specific to men.
·        Reciting the verse in which Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Indeed, As-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah.} [Quran 2:158] in every round whenever he comes to As-Safa or Al-Marwah.
The Sunnah, however, is to do so at the beginning of Sa'y when the pilgrim approaches As-Safa mountain, as proven to be done by the Prophet, .
·        Some pilgrims think that the round of Sa'y starts with As-Safa mountain and also ends with it. In other words, the pilgrim starts Sa'y from As-Safa mountain to Al-Marwah and then returns to As-Safa again to complete one round. The correct, however, is that making Sa'y starting from As-Safa up to Al-Marwah is deemed a complete round; and doing so from Al-Marwah to As-Safa is deemed another round.
·        Specifying a certain supplication for each round. It was not narrated that the Prophet, , said a certain supplication in each round.
Some people voluntarily make Sa'y between As-Safa and Al-Marwah while they are not pilgrims. The Sunnah, however, states that it is recommended to perform voluntary acts for making Tawaaf only.

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