Mistakes on the Day of Tarwiyah (the 8th day of Thul-Hijjah)

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·        Some pilgrims think that one has to enter the state of Ihraam (sacral state) for Hajj from Al-Masjid Al-Haraam (the Sacred Mosque).

The Sunnah (tradition), however, is that the pilgrim should assume Ihraam from whichever place in Makkah he is.
·        Some pilgrims think that it is not permissible to put on the same garment of Ihraam which one used for ‘Umrah.
·        Many pilgrims make Idhtibaa‘ (uncovering the right shoulder) starting from that day until the end of the Hajj rituals.
This is a mistake, because Idhtibaa‘ is prescribed only during Tawaaf Al-Qudoom (circumambulation for arrival).
·        Some pilgrims who were in Mina before the Day of Tarwiyah think that it is obligatory to return to Makkah and assume Ihraam there.
This is a mistake. The sound approach, however, is that one assumes Ihraam from any place in Makkah.
·        Some pilgrims do not shorten the prayer in Mina, although it is the Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet, . Others combine the prayers without any justification or approval in the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation), such as an illness, etc.

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