Meanings of Creed as Derived from the Obligation of Hajj - I

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Hajj includes many great meanings, significant wisdom, and many benefits as Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {That they may witness benefits for themselves.} [Quran 22:28]  In this article, we will mention a set of meanings of creed and matters concerning the fundamentals of religion, through the obligation of Hajj.

First: submission and compliance with the ordinance of Allah The Almighty:

How much do we need, dear readers, to accustom our minds and souls to adhering to the ordinance of Allah The Almighty, with full, willing submission as He Says (what means): {But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission.} [Quran 4:65] 

Hajj is the best example for realizing that submission. The movement of the pilgrims from one rite to another, during which they perform Tawaaf (circumambulation) around the Ka'bah, kiss the Black Stone, throw the stones, etc., presents a living example of submission to the ordinance of Allah The Almighty, and accepting the judgment of Allah The Exalted, with an expanded consciousness and contented heart.

Ibraaheem (Abraham), the intimate friend (of Allah) and Ismaa‘eel (Ishmael), may Allah exalt their mention, supplicated, saying (what means): {Our Lord, and make us Muslims [in submission] to You and from our descendants a Muslim nation [in submission] to You. And show us our rites and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.} [Quran 2:128 ]

They supplicated for themselves and for their descendants to follow Islam, which is the willing submission and compliance of the heart with its Lord, and this includes the compliance of the organs.

May Allah be pleased with Al-Farooq, ‘Umar, who said about the Black Stone, “I know that you are but a stone, which neither harms nor benefits. But had I not seen the Messenger of Allah kissing you, surely, I would not have kissed you.”

Al-Haafith Ibn Hajar said, “This statement of ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, reveals his submission to Allah The Almighty in religious matters, and following (the Prophet) in matters whose rationale has not been revealed. It is a great principle of following the Prophet in what he did, even if the wisdom that lies behind it is unknown.”

Ismaa‘eel Al-Asfahaani , said, “According to Ahlus-Sunnah, one should submit, believe, entrust (his affair to Allah) and be satisfied with all the traditions he hears, even if they are beyond the reach of his mind, and not to dispose of anything thereof depending on his opinion and inclination.”

Ibn Al-Qayyim says,

“Being a slave to Allah The Almighty and believing in Him, His Books and Messengers is based on the submission (to Allah), and abstention from asking about the details of the wisdom behind His commands, prohibitions and ordinances. For this reason, Allah The Almighty did not relate that any nation of any of the prophets, may Allah exalt their mention, whose people trusted their prophet and believed in what he brought to them, that they asked him about the details of the wisdom behind what he commanded and forbade them to do, and conveyed to them from their Lord. On the contrary, they complied, submitted and obeyed. They knew what was made known of wisdoms, and did not abstain from compliance, faith and submission to what was hidden from them thereof under the pretext of their lacking knowledge of it. The people of this Ummah (nation), who were the most perfect in mind, knowledge and science, never asked their Prophet why Allah commanded us to do this, and why He forbade us from doing that, and why He did so. That is because they knew that doing that contradicts faith and submission.”
Second: establishing Tawheed:
That great worship of Hajj is based on Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism), which is affirming oneness to Allah The Almighty alone with whom there is no partner. In confirmation of that, Allah The Almighty said (what means): {And [mention, O Muhammad], when We designated for Ibraaheem the site of the House, [saying], "Do not associate anything with Me and purify My House for those who perform Tawaaf and those who stand [in prayer] and those who bow and prostrate.} [Quran 22:26]
At the same time, Allah The Almighty warned of association (of partners with Him in worship) and its impurity as shown in the verse where He says (what means): {So avoid the uncleanliness of idols and avoid false statement, Inclining [only] to Allah, not associating [anything] with Him.} [Quran 22:30-31]
Furthermore, one of the greatest ways of establishing Tawheed, affirmation of the Oneness of Allah alone, is the pilgrim’s commencement of his Hajj with Talbiyah, saying: “Labbayka Allahumma labbayk. Labbayka la shareeka laka labbayk. Innal-hamda wan-ni‘mata laka wal-mulk. La shareeka lak. (I am responding to Your call O Allah, I am responding to Your call! I am responding to Your call, You have no partner, I am responding to Your call. All perfect praise, grace and sovereignty belong to Your. You have no partner with You).
In orderfor Tawheed to Allah The Almighty alone to be established, it has been ordained for the pilgrim in the two-Rak‘ah prayer to be performed following Tawaaf, to recite after Al-Faatihah, both Soorahs of sincerity, as the Messenger of Allah, did:
·          {Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One.} [Quran 112:1] 
·          {Say, "O disbelievers.} [Quran 109:1]
It has also been ordained by Allah The Almighty for the pilgrim to raise his voice with Tahleel (to say ‘La Ilaaha illa Allah’ on ascending As-Safa and Al-Marwa mounts. It is favorable for the performer of Hajj and 'Umrah, on ascending As-Safa and Al-Marwa mounts to face the Qiblah then praise and glorify Allah, saying: (’La ilaaha illa Allah’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’ la ilaaha illa Allah wahadahu la Shareeka lah lahul Mulk wa lahul Hamd Yuhyi wa Yumeet wa Huwa `ala Kulli shay’in Kadeer, la ilaaha illa Allah wahdah, anjaza wa`dah, wa nasar `abdah wa hazamal Ahzaab wahdah). There is none worthy of worship except Allah alone, with whom there is no partner. His is all Dominion, and to Him is all perfect praise: it is He who gives life, and causes death, and He has Power over all things. There is none worthy of worship except Allah alone. He has fulfilled His Promise, granted His slave victory, and defeated the allied forces alone."
In orderfor Tawheed  to Allah alone to be established, the best supplication on the Day of ‘Arafah is: “There is none worthy of worship except Allah alone, with whom there is no partner. His is all Dominion, and to Him is all perfect praise: it is He who gives life, and causes death, and He has Power over all things.”
The rites and rituals of Hajj, in this way, instruct the people of the Ummah to dedicate themselves to Allah The Almighty alone with supplication, to depend upon Him alone, to dispense with all the people, and refrain from asking them and from showing need to them. Supplication is ordained in Tawaaf (circumambulation), Sa‘y, during the standing at ‘Arafah, and at Al-Mash‘ar Al-Haraam and in Muzdalifah. It is also ordained to supplicate with long supplication after finishing throwing the Sughra and Wusta Jamrah on the Days of Tashreeq.

Meanings of Creed as Derived from the Obligation of Hajj - II

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