Pakistan Urges Talks Despite India Expelling Envoy

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HIGHLIGHTS: 'India's Decision Disappointing,' Aziz Khan||Diplomatic Dealings Practically Frozen Since December||Kashmiri Resistance Attack on Army Camp Behind Latest Rise in Tensions||STORY: Pakistan said Saturday India's decision to expel its ambassador would add to tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbors, but urged New Delhi to resolve differences through dialogue. (Read photo caption)

"Actions like these add to tension, whereas efforts should be in reduction of tension," Foreign Office spokesman Aziz Ahmed Khan told state-run Pakistan Television.

"Pakistan, despite this action of India which has disappointed us, we will continue to strive to resolve all issues with India through negotiations and through peaceful means."

India had already recalled its ambassador to Islamabad in December, after an attack on its parliament which it blamed on Pakistan-based Kashmiri separatists. Pakistan High Commissioner Ashraf Jehangir Qazi stayed on in Delhi, though India had stopped dealing with him directly since December.

The latest rise in tensions between the two nuclear-capable rivals followed an attack on an Indian army camp Tuesday, which New Delhi blamed on Pakistan-based Kashmiri separatists.


Indian soldiers exchange fire with Pakistan forces in Samba sector 44 kilometers (27.5 miles) south of Jammu, India, Friday, May 17, 2002. India and Pakistan exchanged gungire across their border Friday, as opposition lawmakers in New Delhi demanded action in response to a terrorist attack blamed on Islamabad. (AP Photo/Amit Bhardwaj)

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