Israeli Convoy Attacked in Gaza Strip; Four Occupation Soldiers Wounded

  • Author: The Middle East Gateway
  • Publish date:19/05/2002
616 0 149
HIGHLIGHTS: Shots Were Fired At Occupation Soldiers After Jeep Overturned on the Karni-Netzarim Road||Israeli Tank Lightly Damaged When Another Explosive Device Was Activated Same Area||STORY: Four Israeli occupation soldiers were lightly injured Sunday morning when shots were fired at them on the Karni-Netzarim road in the Gaza Strip, causing their jeep to overturn.

Israel Radio reported that an explosive device had been activated near the convoy that the military jeep was accompanying, and that shots were simultaneously fired at the convoy.

The soldiers returned fire but their jeep overturned due to the impact of the explosion, the radio said. In a separate incident Saturday night, a powerful explosive device was activated near an Israeli tank in the same area, the radio said.

The tank was lighty damaged, and no injuries were reported

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