Using some of Allah's names for naming persons

  • Author: Fatwa no. 93060
  • Publish date:16/06/2010
  • Section:FATWA FOR ALL
3814 0 583


Assalamu Alaikum Is it permissable for a person to have the name "Azeez Razak"? Since These are both Names of Allah , is it Obligatory to Have "Abdul" Before them? If so , Should it be , "Abdul Azeez Razak" or "Abdul Azeez Abdul Razak"? Which one is correct? Would it be a sin to have a name with the words "Azeez Razak" and no "Abdul" in it? Please Answer. Thank you. Assalamu Alaikum
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger.
Yes, it is permissible to be named with '' 'Azeez '' as it is one of the names that can be commonly used to both name people and as an Attribute of Allah. Allah Says (what means): {Truly, Allah is 'Azeez (i.e. All-Mighty), All-Wise.} [Quran 2:220]. Allah further Says about the brothers of Yoosuf, may Allah exalt his mention, (what means): {They said: "O 'Azeez (i.e. ruler of the land)! Verily, he has an old father (who will grieve for him); so take one of us in his place. Indeed we think that you are one of the good-doers.} [Quran 12:78].
As regards the name Ar-Razaaq (which means the provider), then some scholars considered it among the names which are specific to Allah, therefore, it is not permissible to be named with this name, and whoever has this name should change it to another name like Abdur-Razaaq, for instance.
Finally, it should be noted that a son is not obliged to change his family name even if this name has a meaning which is contradictory to religion.
Allah knows best.
Fatwa answered by: The Fatwa Center at Islamweb

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