The Battle of Banu Qaynuqaa’ - I

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Important Events Between the Battles of Badr and Uhud

According to Az-Zuhri this battle took place during the second year after Hijrah (emigration). Ibn Sa‘d and Al-Waaqidi said that it was on Saturday the fifteenth of the month of Shawwaal of the second year after Hijrah.
The majority of those who write about the biography and battles of the Messenger of Allah agreed that it was after the Battle of Badr. The Jews of Banu Qaynuqaa’ did not follow the terms of the treaty signed by the Messenger of Allah with them, nor did they fulfill the obligations due upon them as determined by it. On the contrary, they took a hostile stance towards the Messenger of Allah and the Muslims. Their anger and envy became evident when the Muslims emerged victorious in the Battle of Badr. They made public their enmity towards the Muslims. The Messenger of Allah gathered them in their market in Madeenah, advised them, and invited them to Islam. He further warned them of receiving the same destiny the Quraysh had received in the Battle of Badr.
However, they challenged the Messenger of Allah with threats, although they were supposed to comply with the articles of the treaty that made them live under his presidency. They confronted him saying, “O Muhammad! Do not deceive yourself by the fact that you have killed a group of the Quraysh who are inexperienced and unskilled in war. Were you to fight us, you would come to know that we are in fact the people [who are unyielding in fighting], and you would never meet the like of us.”
Thus, the crisis began to erupt. Their reply portended their disobedience and rudeness. They behaved with a spirit of aggression, defiance and arrogance, which showed that they were preparing themselves to fight. In connection with them, Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Say to those who disbelieve, “You will be overcome and gathered together to Hell, and wretched is the resting place.” Already there has been for you a sign in the two armies which met - one fighting in the cause of Allah and another of disbelievers. They saw them [to be] twice their [own] number by [their] eyesight. But Allah supports with His victory whom He wills. Indeed in that is a lesson for those of vision.} [Quran 3:12-13]
1-    Direct causes of the battle
When the Muslims emerged victorious in the Battle of Badr, and the Messenger of Allah said to the Jews what he had said, as referred to earlier, the Jews of Banu Qaynuqaa‘ made their decision to break the treaty between them and the Muslims. They awaited an opportunity to have a skirmish with the Muslims. Finally, they found their evil opportunity when an Arab woman came with some of her products which she sold in the market of Banu Qaynuqaa‘. She then sat at the goldsmith’s to buy something from him. They encouraged her to remove her veil from her face, but she refused. The goldsmith then took hold of the end of her dress and tied it to her back. When she stood up, her nakedness was exposed, and thereupon they laughed at her.
She cried out of anger, and one of the Muslims jumped on the goldsmith and killed him. As he was a Jew, the Jews attacked the Muslim and killed him. The family of the killed Muslim cried for the help of the Muslims against the Jews, who grew angry, and thus, conflict broke out between the Muslims and Banu Qaynuqaa’.
Learning about this, the Messenger of Allah set out leading an army of the Muhajiroon (emigrants) and the Ansaar (helpers) on Saturday the fifteenth of the month of Shawwaal of the second year after Hijrah.
It was Hamzah bin ‘Abd-Al-Muttalib, may Allah be pleased with him, who carried the flag of the Muslims on that day. The Messenger of Allah appointed as his successor in Madeenah Abu Lubaabah bin ‘Abdul-Munthir Al-‘Umari, whose name was Basheer, may Allah be pleased with him. When the Messenger of Allah proceeded to them, he threw back their treaty to them, as he was commanded by Allah The Almighty (Who Says what means): {If you [have reason to] fear from a people betrayal, throw [their treaty] back to them, [putting you] on equal terms. Indeed, Allah does not like traitors.} [Quran 8:58]
2-    The Blockade of the Jews
Learning of the coming of the Messenger of Allah the Jews fortified themselves in their forts. The Prophet besieged them for fifteen nights, according to Ibn Hishaam . He continued to besiege them until Allah The Almighty cast terror into their hearts, and they were forced to surrender to his command.
However, the Messenger of Allah had stunned them with his technique of blockade, and thereupon they were bewildered and confused. He had cut off all supplies from them, and obstructed their movement, and they lived as in a prison. In the end, they despaired of resistance and patience. They had threatened the Messenger of Allah on the basis that they were a people of power and severe resistance, unlike the Mushriks (polytheists) of the Quraysh. They were forced to surrender to the command of the Messenger of Allah . He ordered that they be tied and they were put in fetters. The Messenger of Allah appointed Al-Munthir bin Qudaamah As-Sulami Al-Awsi, may Allah be pleased with him, to be in charge of putting them in fetters.
3-    The Destiny of the Jews of Banu Qaynuqaa’
Ibn Salool, the chief of hypocrites, tried to release his allies (the Jews) from their fetters. When he came upon them, he said, “Untie them.” Al-Munthir, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Are you ordering me to untie a people whom the Messenger of Allah ordered to be tied? By Allah, no man will release them except that I will chop off his head.”
‘Abdullaah bin Ubayy bin Salool was compelled to retract and seek a command from the Messenger of Allah to release them. He went to the Messenger of Allah and said, “O Muhammad, be good to my allies.” They were the allies of Khazraj. The Messenger of Allah gave no reply. He said once again, “O Muhammad, be good to my allies.” He turned away from him, and therefore he seized the Messenger of Allah by his collar. The Messenger of Allah said to him: “Let go of me!”
The Messenger of Allah grew so angry that the signs of anger were visible on his face. He said to him: “Woe to you! Let go of me! Keep your hands off!” ’Abdullaah bin Ubayy bin Salool, said, “No, by Allah, I shall not let you go until you are good to my allies: four hundred of them unarmed and three hundred armed have protected me from [all sorts of people, be they] red or black: Do you want to kill them all at once? By Allah, I fear evil consequences.” The Messenger of Allah said to him: “Then they are [released] for you.”
The Messenger of Allah left them, and then commanded that they be expelled. The Messenger of Allah and the Muslims gained the property that they had as booty. It was Muhammad bin Maslamah, may Allah be pleased with him, who undertook collecting and calculating their property.
‘Abdullaah bin Ubayy bin Salool tried to plead with the Messenger of Allah  to allow Banu Qaynuqaa‘ to remain in their dwelling places in Madeenah, and when he went to talk to him he found at the door of the house of the Messenger of Allah  ‘Uwaym bin Saa‘idah Al-Ansaari Al-Awsi, may Allah be pleased with him, who returned him saying, “Do not enter until you are admitted by the Messenger of Allah.” When ‘Abdullaah pushed him, ‘Uwaym, may Allah be pleased with him, resisted him firmly him so that the face of Ibn Ubayy was banged against the wall and blood flowed.
This story demonstrates political jurisprudence in the way the Prophet dealt with ‘Abdullaah bin Ubayy bin Salool. He responded to his request in the hope that this would cleanse his heart, remove the veil from it, and guide him to the truth. He said to him: “Then they are [released] for you.” It also was expected that the devotees of Ibn Ubayy would become upright by his uprightness. In this way, the Muslims would be united in one row and be too consistent for the plotting of the enemies of Islam to harm them.
Another dimension might be pointed out here: the Messenger of Allah was eager not to cause a tribulation to break out in the society of believers. Some Ansaaris were still new Muslims, and there was the fear that they would fall under the influence of the head of the hypocrites, ‘Abdullaah bin Ubayy bin Salool, who had a good reputation among them. This is why the Messenger of Allah kept peace with him, persevered with him and endured his harm, in order to avoid tribulation and in the hope of demonstrating the reality of the man through his behavior and situations with those who were ignorant of it, perchance the people would leave him and show no sympathy for him.
This way was very successful. The reality of Ibn Ubayy bin Salool became evident to all the people - even to the closest one to him who was his son ‘Abdullaah. Afterwards, whenever he spoke, they would silence him, and show annoyance because of his speech. Moreover, they wanted to kill him as will be shown in a later article, Allah willing.

The Battle of Banu Qaynuqaa’ - II

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