Wiping over the socks

  • Author: Fatwa no. 88478
  • Publish date:28/04/2010
  • Section:FATWA FOR ALL
4353 0 543


I have a question regarding the wiping over socks during the ablution. Allah commands the believers in the Quran [5:6] to wash the feet. So how can we wipe over socks instead of washing the feet? I also read a opinion of Mufti who says that wiping over socks is allowed only for socks made of leather. He says in that article that wiping over socks of other materials is impermissible and against the opinion of majority of Fuqahaa. What is the correct opinion? 

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger.
Basically, both feet should be washed during ablution. Allah Says (what means): {… and wash your feet to the ankles.} [Quran 5:8]. However, there are sound narrations from the Prophet that prove lawfulness of wiping over leather socks provided a Muslim put them on while in a state of purity. Imaam Al-Bukhari and Muslim may Allah have mercy u pon them narrated in their books from Al-Mugheerah Ibn Shu'bah, may Allah be pleased with him, who said, "I was with the Prophet in a journey, when the Prophet made ablution, I went to remove his leather socks and he said, 'Leave them on, as I put them on while I was in a state of purity,' and he just wiped over them."  All the Muslim scholars have agreed upon the lawfulness of wiping over the leather socks.
As for clothe socks, the Muslim scholars have different opinion concerning this matter. Imaam Abu Haneefah, Maalik, and Shaafi'ee are of the opinion that it is not allowed. The others like Imaam Ahmad, Abu Yoosuf and Muhammad the companions of Abu Haneefah; Sufyaan Ath-Thawri, 'Ataa', Al-Hasan, Sa'eed Ibn Al-Musayyib, An-Nakh'i, Sa'eed Ibn Jubayr, Al -A'mash, Ibn Mubaraak and Is-Haaq are of the opinion that wiping over clothe socks is allowed though they disagree about some of the conditions that should be regarded in this concern.
The latter opinion that allows for wiping over clothe socks is more authentic than the former due to the sound narrations that give approval, and based on the practice of many companions of the Prophet such as 'Umar, 'Ali, 'Ammaar, Ibn Mas'ood, Anas, Ibn 'Umar, Al-Baraa', Bilaal, Ibn Abi 'Awfah, Sahal Ibn Sa'd, Abu Mas'ood Al-Badawi and Abu Umaamah, may Allah be pleased with them.
So, we are inclined to its permissibility. Ibn Qudaamah said: 'Since many companions of the Prophet wiped over their (clothe) socks and no one opposed them in their time, it means that they have agreed upon its permissibility.' Also, there is no disagreement regarding the permissibility of wiping over leather socks as we mentioned above and there is no great difference between leather socks and clothe socks.
However, there are some conditions that should be regarded while wiping over the socks in general:
1.  One must have put on them while in state of purity.
2. One may walk wearing them and they remain fixed with the shoes, sandals, etc. (i.e. not easily coming off his feet)
3. They should be pure.
4. They should also be lawful i.e., men should not wear items made of silk or which are stolen, etc.
Some scholars made another condition that they should be thick and not transparent.
Allah knows best.
Fatwa answered by: The Fatwa Center at Islamweb

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